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Sheffield Forum: The Future

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In 10 years time every pension scheme in the land will have an unfillable 'black hole' so anyone over 65 will be working for ever or starving to death. Payments made to asylum seekers will have crippled the benefits system. As well as having no food, I wont be able to pay my monthly Tiscali broadband payment so no computer either.


Well he got that pretty much right.


As for the Forum, it's documented 10 years+ of personal and public history; both big happenings and small. OK, it's going through a bad patch at the moment, but as long as it keeps going it will bounce back.

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I bet that in ten years time all the single people who post today about not being able to get a partner will be moaning about how miserable their spouses make them feel.


Yeah, I used to be an International Jetsetter but now I go to Whitby instead :hihi:



Only joking Rivelin ;)

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