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Boohoo! Just failed my driving test!

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i was walking home in the rain last friday and as i got to the bridge at riverlin i noticed a large puddle, at this stage i wasn't near it and a large white van went through it at speed and the puddle went every where i would have been covered from head to foot if i had been stood there so i waited for a pause in the traffic and edged my way very carefully to where i wanted to cross staying away from the edge of the road and the cars that were coming past me slowed right down and another one even waved me across the road (which i paddled across it was that bad!!) which i thought was extremely kind, so there are some kind drivers out there who consider the pedestrians in bad weather , the bus drivers and the rain now thats another story and another thread .

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If people took extra care in their driving, people won't get soaked either.


But of course we all know that some bus drivers soak people ON PURPOSE! Because they get some kind of retarded amusement from it! :rant:


Its not just bus drivers :twisted:




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I like this bit:


Miss Kelly said: 'It was a small kerbside puddle. I didn't see it but I did drive through it because I saw it splash a pedestrian.


Maybe she failed her test for not seeing a hazard in the road.

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So why do some people insist on walking near the edge of the pavement near the road? and these very same people wine if they get a soaking?


On some streets, the edge of the pavement is all there is for pedestrians to walk on. Foot wide pavements like some of the ones on the backstreets around Broomhill don't leave you much option.

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Passed it first time thanks.Wasnt so hard,dont mean to sound big headed but I think you are either made for it or your not.


don't think i'm cut out for it sometimes, its not that i cannot drive, its because i cannot drive at test standard.

when you have been driving a long time you get into a comfy driving style and thats whats buggered me up.

i think i will forget how to drive and start agi with an instuctor. that way i can ditch the bad habits for good.

out of interest, does anyone actually drive using the ten to two method cos i find it quite hard to manouver round things without crossing my hands over:)

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Do you realise the skill it takes to soak someone


1) Timing

2) the speed appraoching the puddle

3) if you get any of the above factors wrong, then the victim gets walks away inharmed/unsoaked


you missed out 4


4) A desire to soak a complete stranger to the skin with filthy putrid for the fun of it.

5) A room temperature IQ.

6) A mother with four legs and a waggy tail.


I think it's an audio book called "Writing a better C.V. - Your doorway to employment" read by Adam West.


You're a bad man, you are.

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