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Boohoo! Just failed my driving test!

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can you tell how deep a pot hole is when it's to the brim with water?


property was damaged - the clothes the ped was wearing.


she deserves to fail for the attitude of "drive straight at a potential hazard or swerve" she could drive round the hazard in plenty of time without swerving. if she couldnt, she was driving too fast and / or without paying attention.




Typical woman driver ay


should have got tape on hole(which shouldnt be there)

"ped" can wash clothes (not damaged)


And she should of endengered your kids rather than drive through a puddle,shouldnt she?


Maybe we should ban driving in the wet altogether,After all a if we can prevent one wet 'ped',it would be worth it. :D

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Listen who gives a fig whether its allowed or not to splashback pedestrians. Does she really look like the sort of person you want on the roads? She's like an extra off Shameless! ;)


She might look '31' in that picture but wait til you see the one in the Daily Mail. She looks about 51 more like, and has a vile cardigan on, and creoles:



Well done driving examiner. Keep this menace off our streets. :thumbsup:




She's also been in every newspaper around the world it looks like so she's probably earned herself enough to hire Clarkson as a chauffeur by now.

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Typical woman driver ay


should have got tape on hole(which shouldnt be there)

"ped" can wash clothes (not damaged)


And she should of endengered your kids rather than drive through a puddle,shouldnt she?


Maybe we should ban driving in the wet altogether,After all a if we can prevent one wet 'ped',it would be worth it. :D


huh? how can driving with due care and attention make her more of a danger to kids, mine or anyone elses?


and the chances are the puddle would be full of oily water (it being in the road an' all), which might not wash out out clothes? even if they "only" required dry cleaning, she caused the mess by ignoring the rules of the road, so...

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The object of reversing round a corner is not to show that you can do that perse, but to show you can control the vehicle in reverse.


Are you saying you've never reversed in 5 years?


I have, but never like that. I would never reverse in that manner. Similarly you are taught to reverse park, but you are taught to do it so you finish off with an entire other space between you and the car in front. Reverse parking is for getting into spaces you can't physically get into going forwards. And yet the way you're expected to reverse park in a test wouldn't actually get you into a tight space, and to go into a space that big there is no benefit whatsoever from going backwards.

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Listen who gives a fig whether its allowed or not to splashback pedestrians. Does she really look like the sort of person you want on the roads? She's like an extra off Shameless! ;)

She might look '31' in that picture but wait til you see the one in the Daily Mail. She looks about 51 more like, and has a vile cardigan on, and creoles:



Well done driving examiner. Keep this menace off our streets. :thumbsup:




She's also been in every newspaper around the world it looks like so she's probably earned herself enough to hire Clarkson as a chauffeur by now.


Stereotyping somebody because of the way they look? Thats a bit naughty:hihi:

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