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Boohoo! Just failed my driving test!

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how many have you failed?


is your instructor showing you how to do this?




twice .... used to have an instuctor many moons ago but as soon as i felt confident about driving i just made sure someone legal sat with me while i drove.

i got them off{reversing round corners} brilliantly before the test but then when the dreaded time came i was all over the place, so much so i just burst out laughing cos even i could not beleive how crap it was:).


fecking corners:D

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My reverse around the corner could have gone either way. I was reversing around a live corner and lots of traffic kept coming back and fourth so i kept stopping.

I saw myself as a hazard and put myself in mind that if i dealt with the same would i prefer a moving or stationary one and chose stationary.


the driving instructor after passing me gave me a right ear bashing about it but like i said to him i'd rather keep control than rushing due to traffic and cause an accident. If he wanted a quicky he should have not chosen a corner near a school at 3:30pm with the mad rush mums.

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I actually managed that manoeuvre brilliantly on my first attempt, but failed royally when back at test centre I was asked to reverse bay park. My instructor was waiting for me, looking all expectant when after about 1/2 dozen manoeuvres attempting to reverse park the damn thing I smashed into the barrier. Ooops. Ironically, now I reverse park into bays all the time and have no problems.


You will get there eventually, don't give up, just practise loads on that manoeuvre with the instructor.:thumbsup:

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twice .... used to have an instuctor many moons ago but as soon as i felt confident about driving i just made sure someone legal sat with me while i drove.

Unfortunately Ruth, as you've found it can be a false economy.


If thats all you've failed on, an hour or two with a professional who knows what the examiners are looking for could be money well spent.


Not that I'm blowing my own trumpet of course....:hihi:


Good luck next time

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good grief ruth! given all the other things you've posted about this week, I'd have been ringing to rearrange in your shoes!


please tell us you haven't had the same instructor for the past ten years :?


Give Saxon a ring - he comes well recommended - and if he doesn't set you straight, please give up!

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This might not be a popular opinion but maybe you're simply not cut out to drive a car, a bit like I'd never become a good dentist or airline pilot. Nobody has a divine right to be able to drive a car.


And looking at some of those who have passed their tests I don't think some of the instructors are cut out for the job either.


Worry not. You can't drive just like I can't do algebra.

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Twice is not all that bad. Do as Saxon says, get a few professional lessons, let them tell you where you are going wrong. With the experience you already have, hopefully this won't cost as much as first starting out, and may be cheaper in the long run in that it might be 3rd time lucky with some proper advice.

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