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Story: 'Strange Things Happen at Crematoriums.'


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I love the way you tell a story, Falls - it reads just like someone sitting there and telling you all about it. It puts me in mind of my father-in-law when he relates anecdotes to his grandchildren and they all gather round to listen, spellbound. (Not that I'm saying you're necessarily grandparent age, of course!! :))


By the way, I can't help wondering if Auntie Gert had anything to do with the incident*... :hihi:




*To understand that you need to read my story!

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As regards strange things at Crematoria, I was once approached by a miffed mourner who was complaining that there were pages missing from her service book. I also remember the time when the undertaker reversed his hearse to collect the flowers and came back rather fast scattering the mourners.

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