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Witches, Goblins and stuff.


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I was reminded of something when I was reading another thread. I spent a good five years of my childhood in Cheshire, this was during the 40's. Round and about the countryside you'd get these farm ponds, nine times out of ten covered in green algae, pondweed if you like. My Grandad told me that if you ever got near a pond like that, to be very careful because there was this 'thing' called Ginny Greenteeth, who'd have you in there quicker than you'd believe. I know this story goes into Lancashire with slight changes but I wondered if there was any kids scare stories like this in South Yorkshire.

I dont believe in Witches or Elves or other stuff like that, but I'm still careful near them there ponds.

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You're right to be wary.

I once saw a very strange little man near one of these ponds, groaning and moaning like something not right.

When I got closer to him I saw that he was actually a real gnome, dressed in all his finery, but bent over double....

The strange, frightening noises continued, but I summoned enough courage to speak to him....

"Are you a goblin?" I asked.

"No", he replied, "I'm just having a nosebleed..."

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