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Chinese Sky Lanterns/Strange lights in the sky megathread


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My family & I saw some bright orange lights moving silently in the sky about 15 mins ago. It's a cloudy night and they were below the cloud line so not that high up.

There were 3 of them at first moving together in a straight line.

Then a couple of mins later 2 flew by, much slower than a plane, roundish, large orangey very bright flickering lights. Couldn't be a helicopter as they were silent. Then the last ones light went out & all we could see was a large round grey shape moving away.

Very strange indeed.

Quite exciting to see UFO's with the family!!

Any one know what it could be????


What are you doing posting this information here? Have you informed the authorities to scramble the jets?

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Just seen exactly the same over stannington about half an hour ago.Like a ball of fire,Travelled slowly then suddenly sped down towards hillsborough the towered town.Definitely NOT a Chinese lantern!!



Yes it was. Stop kidding yourself.

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I know there's no way it was a chinese lantern as it was far to big, moved far too quickly, was incredibly bright. Also they were moving across in perfect formation.


I wonder what it could be. Is there any way we could find out? Any agency or organisation who might be aware & know what it is?

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