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Chinese Sky Lanterns/Strange lights in the sky megathread


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I know there's no way it was a chinese lantern as it was far to big, moved far too quickly, was incredibly bright. Also they were moving across in perfect formation.I wonder what it could be. Is there any way we could find out? Any agency or organisation who might be aware & know what it is?






How about Chinese Lanterns that were nearer than any you've seen before?


(Or to quote Father Ted, “These Cows Are Small, Those Cows Are Far Away!”)


Perfect Formation?


How about all being blown by the same wind?

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How about Chinese Lanterns that were nearer than any you've seen before?


(Or to quote Father Ted, “These Cows Are Small, Those Cows Are Far Away!”)


Perfect Formation?


How about all being blown by the same wind?


ooh it's easy to be cynical - paranormal/extra terrestrial explanations cannot be ruled out.

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ooh it's easy to be cynical - paranormal/extra terrestrial explanations cannot be ruled out.


It's nothing to do with being cynical. They were straight forward questions. It is very difficult to judge distance without a fixed reference. The OP doesn't explain how they knew that what they saw were too big to be lanterns. I think it is reasonable to question the basis of making the decisions. A lantern much closer than it was believed to be would appear to be unusually quick, big and bright. Similarly, several lanterns being affected by the same external force would remain in "formation" as they crossed the sky.

Edited by Eater Sundae
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Don't believe folk when they claim these lights are all Chinese lanterns. I was walking home from the pub the other night and I saw these strange lights bearing down on me from above. A few seconds later I nearly got mowed down by a combined harvester.

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We had one nearly land on us in Hillsborough Park yesterday afternoon, it had been punctured and so came crashing down and set fire to the grass - why send them up during the day surely they are much better at night?


Really? The idea is when the tealight goes out, the lantern comes down.

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