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Cricket's Ian Nunnington dies


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Was looking on the Grimsby site for what the cricket coverage offered? I clicked on "Picture Gallery" and there are some pictures of Sheffield United playing in a Twenty20 this summer. It may be of interest?


Sadly, long gone are the cable-knitted sweaters with the red and black piping in the V-neck.

Whilst typing this, a character rather than an icon, who wore such, went through my mind. John Hobson, familiarly known as "Hobby"!

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Sorry, Chairboy, I can understand your feelings towards sporting forums, and, to be frank, I have myself refused to go into all the football sites, and some of the others, because a lot of what is said is totally meaningless and as bad as some of the stuff you read in the letters in the Green Un. I am not into the newspaper "tell us your story for nowt" business!

But, all the same, being keen on League cricket, and knowing how little real publicity it gets, I thought it would be good to get a few of the genuine League enthusiasts of the old school putting on record a few thoughts and tributes so that, hopefully, at sometime in the future someone might come along and learn a bit about the way it was.

I have reached that stage whereby I feel there are some things (and my cricket memories are just one of a number of subjects) that I would like to place on record before it is too late. What happens to the info in later times, I am not too bothered about. In truth, if it ensures that some old characters who might otherwise be forgotten are remembered, well all to the good. Call it a contribution to history!

In fact, Chairboy, reading some of your notes, I have often wondered whether our paths might have crossed at some time. I wouldn't be surprised.

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No problem Redfyre. I think what you are trying to do is admirable. I've chipped in with a number of names on this thread and hitherto, probably offered more than anybody else but I don't think I can say much more.

Your phrase "genuine league enthusiast" should disqualify me immediately because I have always preferred to be watching first class sport than participating. I have often reflected on the advice I had to 'play whilst you can' in that I have been in a wheelchair since 45yo - maybe a book there?

There were days when I played when I would have preferred to have been elsewhere, Cup Final day etc. and I had many other things to attend to including music engagements, travel, reporting etc. such that Sunday friendlies became more convenient.

I've done my share of nets in January (as a student) and been happy to do midweek stints, if able, at clubs but come Saturdays, I had other options so I don't think I was as committed as I might have appeared. Thus, I feel there are many ex-players better able to offer the background you are seeking.

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  • 8 months later...

"One name that has just come into my mind is that of Amos Gledhill, who was connected with Whitley Hall 40 years ago or more. I can't say I ever saw him play, for he was a veteran-plus when I first knew him, but he was good company, and typical of the sort of people who were around in cricket in those days."


Amos was my great uncle, I remember him having a black eye from a cricket ball, only met him once, its nice to hear him spoken of in the way that I remember him.

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