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Drug addicts

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All people who take drugs should be detained at her Majestys pleasure, unless they can prove that they have half a brain at least.


Are they stupid? or do they just act that way, if they had a tiny bit of gumption they would not touch drugs with a barge pole. All it needs to avoid them is a little will power.


Also, pimps who prey on vulnerable females, and drug pushers who get little children involved in drug taking, should be executed without trial.


The whole of the judiciary must be sacked and replaced by others, who have got the political will to impose the appropriate deterrent on these evil scum.


Then, when we have removed the parasites,

we can move forward and cleanse our society from the filth that is infecting it!!!

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Guest costessey

what about the old folks who insist on driving 1 mph below the speed limit.


Drugs are fine in moderation...as long as you don't rob to pay for them.


Everyone should try acid at least once in their lives, or its natural alternative magic mushrooms

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Originally posted by costessey

what about the old folks who insist on driving 1 mph below the speed limit.


Drugs are fine in moderation...as long as you don't rob to pay for them.


Everyone should try acid at least once in their lives, or its natural alternative magic mushrooms


...talking of mushrooms I have been told that good ones grow at the base of Higger Tor

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Originally posted by halevan

All people who take drugs should be detained at her Majestys pleasure, unless they can prove that they have half a brain at least.




Then, when we have removed the parasites,

we can move forward and cleanse our society from the filth that is infecting it!!!


Disturbing to say the least... Do you not think that trying to solve the root problems in our society which are causing such issues would be a little more appropriate than "cleansing the filth"?


With regards the the drugs issue, a vasy majority of those addicted to drugs do not, believe it or not, actually want to be addicted. You don't know the ciscumstances under which many turn to such addictive drugs, or indeed alcohol, tobacco, caffine (all drugs, albeit legal ones)... and to judge everyone who does so as obtuse is somewhat naive.

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Agreed Halevan - all these people who spend their days drinking coffee and tea - it is completely bad for their health, they should all be locked up.


Have you any idea the amount of caffine contained in tea? Not to mention the tannin. And decaffinated is no good either the chemicals used to take out the caffine are worse than the caffine itself.


As someone who has recently gone cold turkey on 1.5litres of coca cola per day, I can honestly say that my health and my life suffered because of my addiction.


No Halevan I agree, this drug dependant society should be sorted out.


Moon :o

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Originally posted by halevan

All people who take drugs should be detained at her Majestys pleasure, unless they can prove that they have half a brain at least.

How do you propose to test them. Should people who are stupid, but not drug users also be locked away?


Are they stupid? or do they just act that way, if they had a tiny bit of gumption they would not touch drugs with a barge pole. All it needs to avoid them is a little will power.

No they are not stupid. Even a cursory perusal of history will show you that mankind has been using drugs of every kind for every purpose imaginable (including recreational) since time immemorial.


Taking a recreational drug is not a matter of 'lack of gumption' but one of choice. Many drug users have lots of gumption and still use drugs - air force pilots for example.


Also, pimps who prey on vulnerable females, and drug pushers who get little children involved in drug taking, should be executed without trial.

If they are executed without trial, how do you know they are guilty? Or isn't that as important as executing people pour encourager les autres?


The whole of the judiciary must be sacked and replaced by others, who have got the political will to impose the appropriate deterrent on these evil scum.


Then, when we have removed the parasites,

we can move forward and cleanse our society from the filth that is infecting it!!!


Your hateful rhetoric reminds me of someone - can't think who...


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Guest costessey

is this the type of drug free citizen we want in todays society


did you used to be on Steve Wright in the Afternoon?

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I'm as anti drugs as the next man, but the war on drugs plainly isn't working. It's time to legalise all drugs, so we can free up the billions spent of prevention for spending on education and treatment instead.


Figures in the Guardian (yes I know) earlier this week showed that some prisons could be housing up to 80% drug related criminals.


Legalisation will stop these people from having to steal to get their fix. I'd rather they quietly inject themselves in a health centre, than rob my house to pay for the drugs.

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Originally posted by halevan

All people who take drugs should be detained at her Majestys pleasure, unless they can prove that they have half a brain at least.


Are they stupid? or do they just act that way, if they had a tiny bit of gumption they would not touch drugs with a barge pole. All it needs to avoid them is a little will power.


Also, pimps who prey on vulnerable females, and drug pushers who get little children involved in drug taking, should be executed without trial.


The whole of the judiciary must be sacked and replaced by others, who have got the political will to impose the appropriate deterrent on these evil scum.


Then, when we have removed the parasites,

we can move forward and cleanse our society from the filth that is infecting it!!!


Wow, that is a very scary post. - Haleven, perhaps you should chill out and have a smoke....?

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