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Drug addicts

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OK then i take it 99% of people on here think drugs are absolutely fine. I think its you lot who are the scary ones! What good is anyone doing if they take drugs? Ive just been studying hard for a career in the NHS treating people and hopefully benefitting society in the long run and i know full well i didnt even have time to take drugs.. let alone be able to study properly on them.


People who are sad and pathetic enough to need to 'enchance' their brains/minds should take the time they spend smoking/injecting and invest it in either a decent, productive hobby or study for something useful, like i am doing maybe put in a little of what you are taking out.

If they cant do this then, like halevan says, lock em up to stop them influencing the choice of use law abiding NON drug users.


Its like a bloody advertisement for drugs this forum, it seems everyone takes them, but none of you are in jail for it and are singing their praises instead.



Its quite sad really.


And before anyone else goes on about tea/coffee/coke etc, im sorry but no matter what you say its not the same, it doesnt alter your state of mind one fraction as much as illegal drugs, and anyway, i personally dont consume these either.

Its a tired old argument trying to justify the need to alter our state of mind by using illegal drugs and its just not good enough. We could all apply a lesser legal situation to every crime in the book but it still doesnt make it right does it.


murder? what have you never swatted a fly before?

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Originally posted by kittykat

And before anyone else goes on about tea/coffee/coke etc, im sorry but no matter what you say its not the same, it doesnt alter your state of mind one fraction as much as illegal drugs, and anyway, i personally dont consume these either.


Er one thing you fail to realise when you refer to "It doesn't alter your state of mind one fraction as much as illegal drugs....have you ever thought about ALCOHOL????.....alcohol aint ILLegal

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I have thought of alcohol, and im not a big fan of that either to be honest but i dont admit it much cos the whole world seems to hold it on a pedestal of social importance and fun.


The only difference i can find really is that you need to drink quite a lot of it to actually be altered to a state on a par with taking an illegal drug.


The amount people normally drink still doesnt seem to have as bad an effect as taking drugs, but it would be interesting to see what the world would be like if society had never let alcohol become legal and so commonly consumed.

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Originally posted by kittykat

The only difference i can find really is that you need to drink quite a lot of it to actually be altered to a state on a par with taking an illegal drug.


The amount people normally drink still doesnt seem to have as bad an effect as taking drugs, but it would be interesting to see what the world would be like if society had never let alcohol become legal and so commonly consumed.


WRONG......certain people who drink alcohol regularly, gain a tolerance for it...some do not....much harm has been done through drinking alcohol so it cannot be ignored....what your doing is armchair thinking here, I hate to say.


Unless you've done it you can only speculate and assume

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Originally posted by kittykat

OK then i take it 99% of people on here think drugs are absolutely fine. I think its you lot who are the scary ones! What good is anyone doing if they take drugs? Ive just been studying hard for a career in the NHS treating people and hopefully benefitting society in the long run and i know full well i didnt even have time to take drugs.. let alone be able to study properly on them.


People who are sad and pathetic enough to need to 'enchance' their brains/minds should take the time they spend smoking/injecting and invest it in either a decent, productive hobby or study for something useful, like i am doing maybe put in a little of what you are taking out.

If they cant do this then, like halevan says, lock em up to stop them influencing the choice of use law abiding NON drug users.


Er.... no. I don't think that anyone on the Forum would say that drugs are absolutely fine. However most people have a more balanced view of drug use.


I still find your comments about locking up drug users rather disturbing. Perhaps we should start locking up everyone who breaks the law, drug related or not, lets start with Prince Harry.

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Look at that you all p*ss** and moaned at the fact that this thread had been removed. Argued about censorship and the big bad mods showing their power by removing it. And what happens when it's returned.... no more comments to be made.



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Originally posted by DaBouncer

Look at that you all p*ss** and moaned at the fact that this thread had been removed. Argued about censorship and the big bad mods showing their power by removing it. And what happens when it's returned.... no more comments to be made.



Jeez, give us a chance to go and eat some lunch and do some work!


Also I'm still waiting for Halevan to refute the many good points made criticising his opinion.

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I dont think you lot understand Hals humour, IMHO he puts these extreme comments to provoke a good healthy response and get the thread flowing.


Drug Addicts = Crime / burgalry and racketeering

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