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Drug addicts

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Originally posted by halevan

All people who take drugs should be detained at her Majestys pleasure, unless they can prove that they have half a brain at least.


because you are a monarchist then how do you address Royalty who take drugs like Harry?


Are they stupid? or do they just act that way, if they had a tiny bit of gumption they would not touch drugs with a barge pole. All it needs to avoid them is a little will power.


some people do not intentionally fall into the habit of taking drugs


Also, pimps who prey on vulnerable females, and drug pushers who get little children involved in drug taking, should be executed without trial.


and what if you were accused and you were innocent ? and you were executed?


how about those who are wrongly accused ...remember we live in a land where people are innocent until proven guilty and as you always preach on aout your "Christianity" I am ashamed of you.....who are you to determine what happens to a persons life?....who are you to say whether someone lives or dies??!!!


The whole of the judiciary must be sacked and replaced by others, who have got the political will to impose the appropriate deterrent on these evil scum.


its not the judiciaries fault!!!! yeh, sentencing should be addressed as they are far too lenient,however sacking experienced judges aint gonna solve anything.



Then, when we have removed the parasites,

we can move forward and cleanse our society from the filth that is infecting it!!!


You cannot get rid of the ills of society by doing this. You can educate people and help them. How about the dole bludgers ? are they not scum in your opinion do they not leach from the taxes we pay?

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I wish there were more young people who talked as much sense as you do, then, we would have a much more law abiding society where everyone could live without fear of being attacked, sometimes in their own homes.


Defenceless old people being beaton up by thugs stoned out of their minds, desperate for a fix and prepared to do any kind of evil to get the money to buy it. I am so sad to think that some human beings have sunk so low, the human animal is the only one to maim and kill for such reasons.

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If drugs are illegal based on how harmful they are - then the law is a joke. Alcohol and Cigarettes are screaming contradictions, irrespective of historical precedent.


If drugs are illegal because it should be illegal to alter your conciousness, then all other forms of consciousness alteration should be made illegal also. (spefically alcohol, meditation, espresso, mushrooms, sensory deprivation tanks and hypnotism)


Someone tell me why they think drugs are illegal.


Then tell me if they think that a law can be a bad law. (not these laws in particular, just hypothetically, if it is possible for bad laws to exist.)


And then to tell me whether it is simply wrong to want to alter one's conciousness, to gain a different perspective on the world, the street, the universe, the self.


I grant you that these are not the motives of all drug users. But a significant minority use drugs for precisely the reasons outline above.


Beyond that I think it is largely fruitless to try and discuss all types of illegal drug together as simply drugs. To do so is to ignore everything we know about various drugs and their effects.

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Originally posted by Phanerothyme


Beyond that I think it is largely fruitless to try and discuss all types of illegal drug together as simply drugs. To do so is to ignore everything we know about various drugs and their effects.


Yes I agree.


Also some people probably believe that drug use (and abuse) is confined to the "poor", homeless, and criminal fraternity. Come on lets not be so naive, there are doctors, lawyers, teachers, nurses, police officers all using drugs.

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To add to Phanerothyme's and Dug's points, what about the moral implications - is it immoral, simply because it's illegal? In which case, would it then become immoral to for example, drink tea, if law prohibited tea?


"Law is a fickle mistress, subject always to the whims and prejudices of those who administer them"


I think if recreational drugs were legalised sensibly, then much of the criminal element would be taken away. For those wanting to smoke a joint, they could buy cannabis legally and enjoy it. For those addicted to harder drugs, such as heroin, they should be offered a safe place to use it, with clean paraphernalia, safe drugs, and given intensive counselling to help them stop. Most people who are addicted to harder drugs do actually want to quit.

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as a person who lost quite a few years of his life to drugs (including alcohol) I have every sympathy with those suffering the misery they cause. And think it sad that anybody wants to risk damaging/altering the delicate mechanism that the human brain is.

And I believe a visit to an open meeting of Narcotics Anonymous would be very instructive to those who talk of drugs in such a positive light.

I can understand the belief that says "who's got a right to tell me what to do with my own body?" but this must be squared with "do I have a right to extra use of the NHS just because of damage/addiction caused by those drugs".


PS I thought the statement "I think everyone should try LSD at least once" the most irresponsible thing I've ever seen on this forum. Unfortunately because of the weakness of the vast majority of the acid around since the late 80s....stuff which should hardly even call itself acid people think this is some fun drug that anyone can take for a laugh when Id say it can be the most dangerous drug there is. Just remember you can take it a 1000 times and be ok but take it once and end up on a mental ward...sometimes permanently. Believe me I know people who wish theyd never heard of the stuff...

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As a Christian I think your attitude suxs people do things for reasons, you have to look at the why not what there doing for example, why do people take drugs, drink to much to much, it could be emotional reasons, it could be to escape reality, it could be for a number of reasons.


As for pedafiles well they should be thrown in prison and the key thrown away.


There is one sure thing history repeats itself only we call it progress.

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Hal I agree 100% with you. The trouble with many contributors to this forum is their age. They have grown up with drugs all around them and as such see them as much a part of their lives as beer or cigarettes.


I took my children to the Lyceum last night and at 6.30 my youngsters had to face scummy addicts laying sprawled out across Tudor Square, some yelling their heads off falling all over.

What a world to have to introduce our children into.


I'd bloody shoot the lot of em.


:evil: :evil:

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