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Drug addicts

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Succesfull drug dealers make good money, tax free so they're hardly being parasitic on the state, etc.


You could say they are parasites "feeding" upon their clients, but I'd more inclined to say that the people who buy their drugs are the ones being parasitic.

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Originally posted by Mo

I took my children to the Lyceum last night and at 6.30 my youngsters had to face scummy addicts laying sprawled out across Tudor Square, some yelling their heads off falling all over.

What a world to have to introduce our children into.


That sounds like the behaviour of drunkards, not "scummy drug addicts" - since when do you see smackheads yealling their heads of?


And nobody *made* you introduce children to this world, did they?

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Originally posted by Mike

That sounds like the behaviour of drunkards, not "scummy drug addicts" - since when do you see smackheads yealling their heads of?


And nobody *made* you introduce children to this world, did they?


No Mike they weren't yealing their heads off.


With reference to your last comment and other equally ridiculous things you come out with perhaps your parents ought to have thought twice.

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Sorry that was a spelling mistake but obviously the connection between yealing and yelling was too hard for you to make.


I meant "since when do you see smackheads yelling their heads off?"


If you knew the first thing about drugs, you'd know your comment was ridiculous, but drunks probably don't fit into prejudiced views as easily, so if you want to think they're drug addicts then fine, you just carry on in your usual blissful ignorance.

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Originally posted by The Cycleracer

If they were no dealers then they would be no addicts therefore reducing crime at the same time.


That's true to a certain extent. Equally, and to use the same logic, if there were no producers there would be no dealers. The corollary being, if their were no addicts there would be no producers.


What I am trying to say (not very well) is that it's a bit of a circular argument.


Also , not all drugs are addictive, and not all drugs have dealer/client networks.


Additionally, dealers and users tend to be one and the same, as dealing is a handy way to get free drugs.


Of course, the further you go up the dealership chain for something like heroin, the less likely they are to be addicts, and the more likely they are to be successful international businessmen.


But getting rid of dealers for say, heroin, by executing them all will not make an iota of difference (assuming you actually ended up executing them, and not random people, as would be a risk if they were sentenced without trial) since supply will always rise to meet demand.


To tread wearily back over this topic of summary sentencing; how can you sentence someone to death unless you know they are guilty, and how do you know they are guilty if they are not tried by a court of law.


Saying that you would support the summary sentencing of alleged wrongdoers is to completely reject the whole principle of having a Judicial System out of hand.


That's a fine position to hold, so long as you don't mind me maliciously shopping you as a paedophile to the cops, and getting you executed without trial.


Summary Justice has historically often been about settling scores, and not serving Justice.


What constitutes Justice is a really meaty nice topic that deserves a thread on its own, as the ramifications go far beyond the relatively small problem of drugs and society.

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Originally posted by Mike

Sorry that was a spelling mistake but obviously the connection between yealing and yelling was too hard for you to make.


I meant "since when do you see smackheads yelling their heads off?"


If you knew the first thing about drugs, you'd know your comment was ridiculous, but drunks probably don't fit into prejudiced views as easily, so if you want to think they're drug addicts then fine, you just carry on in your usual blissful ignorance.



Are you a druggie Mike? Only it looks as if one of your injections has caused a major bloot clot and caused your head to enlarge by ridiculous proportions.

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None of your business what I choose to put into my body really, is it t020? But I can't see how pointing out to somebody the differences in drunken and "druggy" behaviour is being big headed.


Perhaps you've been on the stupid pills you're so fond of again?

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