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Aroma Restaurant - your opinions...


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We went to Aroma last night (Saturday, 8pm), party of 8 including a couple of local restaurant owners.


Not particularly impressed with the 'no beer' policy - I personally love a good quality beer with spicy food. Am I missing something here - is this a council restriction or just management policy (i.e. to detract larger louts?)


Anyway, that aside, I was looking forward to this meal, and I hoped the more upmarket feel of the restaurant would be reflected in the quality of food and service.


I started off with the Lahori fried fish, but found this no different to frozen Captain Birdseye cod in batter. Very disappointed - insipid and overcooked. Plus a truly appalling side salad of tough lettuce and radish.


This was (eventually....) followed by the taka-tan lamb chops. This was okay taste-wise, nothing special though and lacking any aroma (no pun intended). Bit stingy on the meat as well. Peas pilau was fair, but again a somewhat small portion, and the Aloo Ghobi was below par. I prefer mine with a bit more bite, I found this one a bit too sloppy and mushy. Naans were not bad.


Service wise, the waiters seemed friendly enough and we were seated immediately (we'd booked a few weeks ago). The place seemed half full, so we were somewhat baffled by the hour long wait for each course. The guys on the table next to us were really kicking off about this.


Generally, not impressed and neither were the rest of my party, we wont be going there again. Luckily we still enjoyed the evening anyway as it was nice to go out with our friends - shame the food wasn't so great.

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I would put the long waiting time between courses down to the care being prepared to cook the dishes - I owuld be just as alamed if they arrived too quick indicating a microwave or reheat was involved somewhere ... personally you go to a restaurant for the atmosphere and company so you dont want it to be like a take away - least its got seating Ha Ha ... I thought the food was tasty when I went there but everyones taste buds are different especially if punished by "quality lagers" all the time .... no offence intended just an observation ..

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At the end of the day, is the restaurant good or bad?

there are loads of indian/kashmiri/pakistani/bangladeshi restaurants in sheffield all serving the same style food.I have eaten in a lot of these style restaurant up and down the country rangeing from the very top end in london to the bottom in manchester and i would say sheffield has the best ones in the uk.you have places such as the mangla, everest, royal spice and the mogal rooms to mention a few.


everybody is entitled to there opinion and like foodcritic said "its not personal" thing can only get better and we should support everybody.

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I would put the long waiting time between courses down to the care being prepared to cook the dishes - I owuld be just as alamed if they arrived too quick indicating a microwave or reheat was involved somewhere ... personally you go to a restaurant for the atmosphere and company so you dont want it to be like a take away
Personally I go to a restaurant for the food. And an hour to wait for each course will be considered too long by many.

At the end of the day, is the restaurant good or bad?
I'd go with 'average'. I enjoyed the food, but Aroma remains the only restaurant I've ever walked out of. Don't be put off going by a few bad reviews, but don't go thinking the service will be snappy.
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  • 2 months later...
Our chef Aftab Ahmed is from Lahore Pakistan we serve traditional food. Aftab has catered for the late Princess Diana and also catered for the wedding of Imran Khan and Jemima Goldsmith. I understand you may not of enjoyed it but you dont know what your talking about otherwise you wouldnt be calling us an Indian restaurant.


If your chef did cater for the above named people all I can say is that they must have poor taste. I am not saying that all your food is bad but I shant be going to your place in a hurry. If my memory serves me correctly you knocked £30 off our bill because we complained that three of the dishes we were served were very bland indeed and had no flavour at all. One of the waiters took the three untouched curries back to the chef to which he agreed.


If anything your curries need flavour and spices to them. That is what curries are famous for.

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If your chef did cater for the above named people all I can say is that they must have poor taste. I am not saying that all your food is bad but I shant be going to your place in a hurry. If my memory serves me correctly you knocked £30 off our bill because we complained that three of the dishes we were served were very bland indeed and had no flavour at all. One of the waiters took the three untouched curries back to the chef to which he agreed.


If anything your curries need flavour and spices to them. That is what curries are famous for.


Bland flavourless curry seems to be the modern trend, what happened to all that spicy flavour?

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I have been to Aroma a few times and have recommended it to others. The staff are really nice and friendly. The last time I went was on a work du, we took boxes of wine! :hihi: It was a good night! and respect to AROMA for sticking up for themselves!

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