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Name for a new lifestyle magazine


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Exactly. And yet you'll have a pop at us for putting that work in, month in, month out.


Exposed is far from the only monthly magazine running in Sheffield. Although it is true I'm no fan of what you do, my comment was not necessarily aimed at you.


What I will say in support of any monthly publication is well done for getting the advertising revenue in. It's not easy. My issue with a lot of magazines though is the balance between content and advertisements. Producing one is a great way of shouting out to people if you have something to say, a way of covering pages with personality. Besides the absolutely excellent Go Sheffield, FACT, Sandman and Blowback, I don't feel many even try to do that. Even Vice resembles a clothing catalogue these days.


When it comes to advertising in a mag, I often wonder just how much of it is digested by the reader anyway. I tend to skip through advertisements as quickly as possible, lingering only very occasionally if the ad in question is visually interesting. Even then I can't remember a single advertisement from Novembers' editions of The Wire, Creative Review, Idea or any of the free magazines I've picked up.


Yesterday morning a magazine came through the door, there was almost no distinction between the adverts and the editorial, and it didn't really seem to be aimed at anyone in particular. So back to the original point, I hope Suave's project is nothing like that. Whether it's going to be a monthly or irregular publication, good luck to you.


And surely 'terrible design' in a mag would be style that got in the way of the content, wouldn't it? Just a thought...


Possibly, though if the design was relevant to the article in question then no, I don't think it would. Blowback being an example of a magazine that pulls this off well.


We were perhaps too naive with Clunge, and some of it didn't work. We still cringe even now at some of the editorial and design, but I'm proud we at least tried to be a bit different and I would certainly be interested in getting something going again.

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Suave, the name of your magazine seems almost irrelevant when the content you say you'll covering seems so uninspired, middle of the road and most off-putting of all...safe. How can you target both students and business owners? What do they have in common that would want them both read your magazine?


Please I beg you dont make another horrible magazine fueled by the dull 'lifestyle culture' we are subjected to from past and present free publications that pollute our coffee bars and day time pubs. Publish something with an opinion, something that dares to challenge us on some level, it doesn't have to be revolutionary.


Get an agenda, a mission statement or somesort of ethos then hire a couple of decent writers and a good designer/editor. Have a clear direction then I guarantee a suitable name will make it's self known.


I beg you again, dont add to the waste.


peace and love

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my comment was not necessarily aimed at you.


But it was though, wasn't it? I mean, you didn't specify or anything but, hell, there were people in Rwanda who got your inference.


I dunno. I thought I could change the world with a mag once upon a time too so I guess I know where you're coming from.


We didn't try to change the world; we just didn't want to end up at Norwich Union when we turn 30. And get into gigs for free and ****.


Hang on, I just turned 30.


[looks around]


Phew. Not a tie in sight.


Anyway, we've sort of gone off topic.


New name for a lifestyle mag. I kinda like Johnson.

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Possibly, though if the design was relevant to the article in question then no, I don't think it would. Blowback being an example of a magazine that pulls this off well.


I can't read half of Blowback due to intrusive design. I don't care how 'relevant' the artwork is, if I can't read an article it's a picture.

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Guys before it gets personal, I think its better to leave the matter now as the planned magazine is for London and not here. I thought id ask the sheffield people for ideas (as I live here) but nothings really come about. I have posted the same query on a London forum and got some positive feedback.


Thanks for those who have contributed anyway

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I can't read half of Blowback due to intrusive design. I don't care how 'relevant' the artwork is, if I can't read an article it's a picture.


There's a great piece in David Carsons ‘The End Of Print’ that reads “Don’t mistake legibility for communication”. I take it you’re not a fan?


Like I said, I was not referring specifically to Exposed, and judging by some posts on here my points could apply to more than a few magazines in circulation. There are some truly awful magazines around that it is difficult to see any merit for them.


It bothers me when a magazine is around 50% adverts, and then the content is further diluted by advertorial. I wouldn’t mind so much if the ads were good to look at, but the majority of them in many publications are not. In fact, most ads are rarely even relevant to the section they are in. A publication should not be defined by its adverts, and while I appreciate there are bills to pay it would be nice to see a few more magazines that are less like the Argos catalogue and more like, well, a magazine.

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Hmmm. You know what? There's a **** load of so called 'arty' mags out there with their heads so far up there arses that they think life doesn't only smell like ****, but that it's a pleasant smell. **** is ****, k? Just because someone wants to go on a rant, and that someone is willing to publish it, doesn't make it good journalism. Just 'cos some design student wants to 'express themselves' doesn't make it art. There IS a **** load of work involved in running a SUCCESSFUL publication - and for people to frown upon that...shame, shame, you know yer name. Everyone has to work, everyone has to earn - FACT. If you can enjoy, take pride in, and have a giggle at what you do... plus maybe give people a bit of light hearted enjoyment along the way as well as giving the odd stoodent a first rung on the media ladder - well, that's just a bonus, yeah? 'Ave a word.

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