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Name for a new lifestyle magazine


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It depends if the mag is free or not? If its free it has to be filled with ads to pay for itself. I like exposed and actually like to see who has advertised and the quality of their ads. Some are good and some are awful but if that is what they pay for and think it is hitting their target market, then that is up to them not the publication.


In fact I probably spend more time checking the ads than I do the editorials and stories!


It is better than Grapevine and Westside which carry ads for carpet fitters and conservatories inbetween their articles.


And before you post, i dont work for them!

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I can't read half of Blowback due to intrusive design. I don't care how 'relevant' the artwork is, if I can't read an article it's a picture.



Got to agree there Alex - the feel of your mag was good just a shame I couldnt read it.




PS Say hi to Paula for me. :cool:

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Give it up alex with all this bull s**t mag talk digin at hal. ITS FREE n passes the time whilst sat in a pub waiting for your mate to turn up!


your mag had the same ad in it about 4/5 times n loads of random free space??


get off yu hi horse mate

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Agent **** you are entirely correct, the magazines are as bad if not than worse than airline, 'in-flight' magazines, insubstantial, irrelevant, fatuous, specious journalism. Unfortunately, the title usually give this away and I have to say the proposed titles for this publication are as inoffensive, uninteresting and anonymous as any I've encountered I'm afraid.

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If anyone hasn't already, you need to get hold of Go Sheffield. Radio Coma and Sandman are good too, even though I'm not a fan of most of the music they cover. All 3 are great examples of magazines full of personality-driven articles, and Go Sheffield is really nicely put together too. All are far more interesting than the glut of lifestyle trash.

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