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Duke Street before the Park Hill Flats

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Hi Falls,

I was interested in Judy Burgin's Entry".

Born on Duke St in the 50's lived there til 70's but never heard of this Judy Burgin.


You got any ifo as this just happens to be my family name !!





Judy Burgin's Entry was on the right hand side of Duke Street, somwhere between the railway bridge and Norwich Street. All that side of Duke Street was cleared in the mid 1950's to build the Parkhill flats.


I can't remember exactly where it was but I'll will ask around the family, what's left of it, in Sheffield.



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Judy Burgin's Entry was on the right hand side of Duke Street, somwhere between the railway bridge and Norwich Street. All that side of Duke Street was cleared in the mid 1950's to build the Parkhill flats.


I can't remember exactly where it was but I'll will ask around the family, what's left of it, in Sheffield.



Thanks Falls, sounds like you're a bit like me. Not much family left in Sheffield now and non at all in Park District.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was born on Bungay Street in 1946 and left there when I was nearly 8. My grandparents lived on Lord Street. My parents used to take me to the library on Duke Street where the librarian was called (I think) Miss Brookbanks who I believe stayed there for many years. My mother used to take me to the Park and Norfolk Cinemas. The 'balcony' in the Norfolk was called the 'jury box' as it was only about one step high. I attended Park School on Norwich Street. Although am now in my 60s I have very strong and fond memories of that area and the community who were so good. The doctor (who delivered me) was Dr Wilson and was well known as a GP around the Park and Manor districts. There is little of the old Park to see from that period but there are remains of streets etc. Bungay Street is there albeit covered over with grass and trees. I have never seen a photo of it as it used to be - unfortunately.

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Does anyone by any chance recall a Mrs Ada Topham who lived at 223 Duke Street for many years - probably until the 1980's? The reason for the request is that her husband was my grandmother's brother. I only learnt of his existence in the last year or two.

I would be interested in tracing any descendants of Mr and Mrs Topham as they would be my second cousins.

My grandmother spent her early life on Colliers Row which I believe ran into Duke Street.

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Does anyone by any chance recall a Mrs Ada Topham who lived at 223 Duke Street for many years - probably until the 1980's? The reason for the request is that her husband was my grandmother's brother. I only learnt of his existence in the last year or two.

I would be interested in tracing any descendants of Mr and Mrs Topham as they would be my second cousins.

My grandmother spent her early life on Colliers Row which I believe ran into Duke Street.


Hi Yerman, I used to live at 215 Duke St in the middle of that parade of shops.

The Tophams lived in the next yard up from us, as I recall between a tobacconists and the corner paper shop. Can't say I remember them well but my mum and dad often spoke of Mrs Topham. Could it have been that she was on her own in the late 50's, early 60's?

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Hi Falls,

I was interested in Judy Burgin's Entry".

Born on Duke St in the 50's lived there til 70's but never heard of this Judy Burgin.

You got any ifo as this just happens to be my family name !!



Hi PhilipB,


Regarding "Judy Burgin's Entry", I checked with my Mother-in-law (92), and she provided the following info:


The 'entry' went from Duke Street through to Duke Street Lane. The Duke Street end was between Killam's pork butchers and the Co-op. Kids used to use it to get through from Duke Street to the old "Board School" on Norwich Street.


She has no idea where the name came from, who Judy Burgin was, what "Judy" might have got up to in the "entry" or if she existed at all.


Its just a part of the `Folklore of the Old Park, I suppose.



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I really appreciate your input. From my research it would appear that John Topham - husband of Ada Topham - was a railwayman who died some time in the 1950's. I believe Mrs Topham may have still been alive in the early 1980's. I would be grateful if you could recall whether Mrs Topham had any childen.

Many thanks in advance.

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I was born on Bungay Street in 1946 and left there when I was nearly 8. . Although am now in my 60s I have very strong and fond memories of that area and the community who were so good. The doctor (who delivered me) was Dr Wilson and was well known as a GP around the Park and Manor districts. There is little of the old Park to see from that period but there are remains of streets etc. Bungay Street is there albeit covered over with grass and trees. I have never seen a photo of it as it used to be - unfortunately.




Your's is the first mention of Dr. Wilson. You will remember the practice was "Wilson & Crerran" (not sure if I got the spelling right). They were also our family doctors


When I was young, it was just Dr.Crerran for Dr. Wilson was in the RAMC (may even have been a prisoner of war) and didn't return to the practice till after the war.


Do you remember the surgery at the corner of Norfolk Road and Shewsbury Road and how cold the waiting room was when somebody went in and out. Hardly suprising with the door facing clear across the Sheaf Valley. I remember one day somebody opened the door and the blast of cold air coming in blew out the gas fire.


All a long time ago.



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Here are a few names from 1939…

Chemist – T, Berry 122 Duke St

Doctors – O, H, Billington 242 Duke St

But I think the one you’re thinking about is…

W,T,Buchan & Hart 207 Duke St. I seem to remember a Doctor Marr.

Buchan also had a practice on the Arbourthore.

Grocers – Burgon & son 46 Duke St

Hairdressers – Ivy’s 28 Duke St

“ “ - J, Thorpe 218a Duke St

Butchers – Mr. T Shaw 74 Duke St. he also had one – 6 Castle Hill.

“ “ - Brearley & Son 144 Duke St

“ “ - Ed Willis Ltd 24 Duke St.

Funeral Directors – Reed, C&A Ltd Oriel House, Duke St.

No, I haven’t got a good memory, I wasn’t even born then, I have a 1939 telephone directory.

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