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Duke Street before the Park Hill Flats

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Hi PhilipB ,Just been looking at your old shop on Duke st,Its on http://www.picturesheffield.co.uk then type duke st .Look on page 16 at photo No:s14993


Thanks for that Sandy, nostalgia eh.

Never remember Park Library looking as smart as that inside though. As I recall there was always a matronly old librarian in there who used to wear a nylon smock all the time.

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Does anyone remember jack thorpe , he was a ladies hairdresser and his shop was on duke st opposite where the salvation army is now . In between the talbot pub and the oddfellows.


Certainly remember John Thorpe, my mum used to get her haor done there all the time. He lived with his mother up City Road.

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  • 2 weeks later...
PhilipB, we patronized all those shops. We used the doctor there, who I think may have been called Dr Hart (?) Even after we moved out of that neighbourhood, my brother and I were made to go to have our hair cut by Mr Clarke, as my mom said he was the only barber who gave "a decent hair cut." The pie and pea shop we frequented after a Saturday a.m. at the Park baths, just around the corner. Tasted delicious.

Hi rogG I used park baths many times aweek i had a free pass .Fridaynight i went to City Surveyers session then called at the same shop for what we termed PEAS AND A FOURPENNY GALLOPER (Re:horsemeat in pies)

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Does anyone remember the farquhars and millwards from the park district


hello lagerlil i've just read your letter on "duke street before the parkhill flats"

you asked if anyone knew the farquhars or millwards i am the husband of jean millward we have been married for 48 years,we have a son and daughter,and three grandsons and four granddaughters, pat has four children and nine grandchildren, barbara has two sons and three granddaughters david has four children has six grandchildren( he has lived in usa for twenty five years he visits every two years or so) saw margaret farquhar two weeks ago in crystal peaks sheffield willybite

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Talking about Rhodes St ,Bought back some . memories for me Iwent to live on Rhodes St in 1922,the year I was born We had the shop, No 13 After the General strike we had to "flit"and went to live down South st. then up to Norfolk Rd. I went into the Royal Navy from there Got married and went to live on Hampton St 1948 So I had a good run about thePark District and consider myself a "park Lad" I remember so many of the shops,such as blakes paper shop on the end of "Long Henry St"Over the Road,on Duke St,below the conservative and the "Red Lion,were three shops Nortons the greengrocers, Quirkes the wet fish shop,and the pork butchers I could go on But you would need to be getting on for 87 yrs old (my age)to remember them Those happy happy days.

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