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Duke Street before the Park Hill Flats

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Talking about Rhodes St ,Bought back some . memories for me Iwent to live on Rhodes St in 1922,the year I was born We had the shop, No 13 After the General strike we had to "flit"and went to live down South st. then up to Norfolk Rd. I went into the Royal Navy from there Got married and went to live on Hampton St 1948 So I had a good run about thePark District and consider myself a "park Lad" I remember so many of the shops,such as blakes paper shop on the end of "Long Henry St"Over the Road,on Duke St,below the conservative and the "Red Lion,were three shops Nortons the greengrocers, Quirkes the wet fish shop,and the pork butchers I could go on But you would need to be getting on for 87 yrs old (my age)to remember them Those happy happy days.


Don't suppose you knew my dad by any chance,Milted ?

Jack Burgin, born on Grafton St,but lived for about 60yrs on Duke St. Had the painting and decorating business below what is now the Barracuda? He was kinda your vintage !

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A friend of mine, now deceased, was brought up in this area and used to fondly reminisce about a characterful lady pianist who used to play the piano, every day, in one of the aforementioned pubs. I think I am right in saying that her wages were crabs legs (from the local fish shop) which she used to scoff in between her numbers.

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