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Concord Park Swings


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Yes Timo, i have good memories of woolley woods- making tarzan swings. our favourite was one up side of houses not too far in at swings end.I think it swung you over the top of someones cucumber frames so if you fell there you'd had it.

I remember one of our gang (Elaine Webster)falling off and breaking her arm her boyfriend at that time (Ian green)

brother of( barney) Brian green, carried her all the way back up to top of old houses on newman road with her screaming all the way- perhaps not such a good memory lol.

It must have been early 60s as i remember all the teenage girls then had plastic sandals and cut the backs off to make sling backs.

and all wore those mod trousers-like stirrup things.



Was it the same Brian Green who later kept the White Bear in Ecclesfield? He had a brother called Ian. I knew them both.

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When I used to go Hatfield House Lane school (1964to1968) we used to have our cross country run in Concorde park. We had to run down to the golf links and then into Wooley woods, the path out was a very steep one. I hated running always seemed to come last.

Why does it show a smiley face for the 8?

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  • 3 weeks later...

My in-laws lived at Firth Park,and one day we told our children we were going to visit Grandma, but we were going to stop on the way to have a walk in the woods at Wooley Wood Bottom. We parked the car and walked across the Rd into the woods.Our son was around 5 at the time,and we saw that he was creeping through the trees,looking scarily around as he went.We asked what he was doing and he said he was looking out for the Big Bad Wolf! He really thought these were the woods in the story of Little Red Riding Hood! He must have been thinking about it all the way there. No wonder he was so quiet!

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  • 13 years later...

I lived on Hatfield House Lane until 1947 when I was 15. Concord Park & Wooley Woods were our second homes. The old men on the bowling greens would show us how to bowl & all about the ball's inbuilt bias. At the Wooley Wood end of the park there used to be a little stream. Concord Park, heaven for little boys.

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i was brought up on woolley wood road our garden was next to the woods which was our playground i used let my mates go through our garden if my dad wasn,t there we would make swings and dens go nesting i never took any eggs from any nest i thought it was cruel we would go down to the railway tracks there was some ponds there where looked for frogs and newts when we had enough we would make our way home i would take me mam some some bluebells and put em in a milk bottle. what great days

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