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Lighterlife Weight Loss Programme. Has anyone heard about this? It was featured on the Discovery Health channel. Apparently weight loss is spectacular, a stone or more a month. I can find a website, but it doesn't really explain what it is apart from counselling is included to get to the bottom of eating problems. It doesn't say whether it is real food or meal replacements or more importantly how much it costs. I have managed to glean that there is a counsellor in the area, but am reluctant to phone until I know what the cost is. Anyone got first hand knowledge? :?

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I read awhile back about some kinda Ultrasonic wave device they were using to break fat down? Anybody heard anything about that? Or is that only for extreme circumstances?


Everytime i try to diet, the most i can keep it up for is about 1 week... I can do the exercise part for months, but i eat too much :(

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  • 1 month later...

My top tip is not to eat too much in the way of carbohydrates in the evening (pasta, potatoes, bread etc) as you don't have the time to burn it off before going to bed (unless you're going dancing!). So, do the carb thing at lunch and eat protein / vegetables / salad in the evening. Also drink plenty of water - lots of folk think they're hungry when maybe they're just in need of a drink. Having said this I'll be having a pizza followed by some lagers tonight!

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