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Don't diet!! It's expensive, dangerous, and depressing. Learn to love your body as you are! You are wonderful, unique, special, beautiful. You are exactly as you are meant to be! Don't diet!!


Emma_Uk I couldn't agree more! Thats sure is a breath of fresh air to hear in this changable society that expects us to become something we don't want to become purely out of pressure! In my profession I work with people who have been scarred by the psychological effects of eating disorders including conforming to what they think other people require of them! My advice is to enjoy yourself, be yourself and love - FOR YOURSELF :lol:

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ive heard that squats and leg lifts help with the backside but i didnt see any difference whereas i did with the situps. Also when i was at my thinnest and walked miles, did exercise bike AND squats and legups regularly my arse still stayed the same meaning i could never go below a size 10 with trousers. I think if its big its big and theres not much you can do. Blame the mother - i do.

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I agree that one should learn to love ones body, be it fat or thin. But what about the health risks of carrying excess fat. Especially dangerous for women who are apple rather than pear shaped. These people are more at risk from heart disease, diabetes etc. I personally am happy slim or plump, but I do know that I feel much better when I am not carrying excess weight. I am more energetic, I breathe easier and generally feel better about myself.

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I've been on a mad "diet and exercise" shopping session! lol! I am currently a size 12 top and bottom and would like to be in a size 10 trouser, but wouldn't mind keeping the top half of my body in a 12, perhaps more toned thats all.


I've tried loads of diets. Tons. The last one I did was the "Atkins" one, which made me a bit ill, I think I cut out my carbs too quickly. Anyways, I have just started the Slim Fast plan, the one where you have a;


250 cal breakfast (slim fast products ofcourse)


100 cal snack


250 cal lunch (slim fast meal replacement)


100 cal snack


600 cal meal of your choice


100 cal snack


So far so good I guess. The only problem with this one is that the slim fast shakes you have to have for breakfast are diabolical. Really! I've never been much of a breakfast person but their shakes are enough to put anyone off the most important meal of the day!!!


I've also bought myself the "Hotpants workout" by someone called Dan Karaty. This claims to get a stone off your bum, legs and tum in a month. (if you do the 42 minuteworkout everyday) and believe me it IS a workout! Especially the "two step" section....thats evil!!!


Has anyone else done slim fast?

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I think the subject of my original thread was something similar to Slimfast, except Lighterlife call them meal replacement packs. Apparently you get counselling thrown in too. Still haven't been able to find out anything about the cost of it. You need to be clinically obese (3st or more overweight) to take part. I'll bet it's very expensive. Not sure I could exist on shakes and soups. I'm doing Slimming World at present and have lost 1 stone 8lbs. I don't go to the classes, just borrowed someone's book. I like the fact that I can fill up on pasta, potatoes and rice on a Green day. I have a large appetite so it suits me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Easier said than done though! ive found that the less you eat one day the more you eat the next. This holiday i was trying to go from a 10 to an 8 and ended up a 12 with all the crap ive been eating. I worry not though as hopefully i wont have time to eat sed crap once at uni.

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