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Any ex-employees from Josephines nightclub?

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Hi, are there any former employees from this old nightclub (now B-Anus:hihi:)


I slogged my guts out there as a young and naiive glass collector midst a sea of boorish drunks in suits:loopy:, 2-bit millionnaires:roll:, monday night r'n'b "ladies"(?):gag:, moronic 'celebs' :confused:and ordinary nightgoers :banana:etc from 1987-9.


Or am I biased about 80% of the clientele and naff repetitive muzak (ie. Inner City- "good life good lifegood lifegood lifegood lifegood lifegood lifegood life") because I had to clean up their...'mess' for 3p week?:hihi:


Still, the barmaids were great girls...and dressed in fishnets and leotards! :love:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I worked up at naps - started around that time...

I seem to remember bonapartes was full of characters at that time...



the deputy manager - shakey

pat - inspector - she was really nice and helpful when i first started

aston - another inspector

andy the valet

sgt kevin the door man - and his dad (cannot remember his name)



memorable punters..

kevin - tall thin greasy hair

the old bj player who smoked 60 a day and had a lovely cough - picture of health

the mad chinese punters

was there a chap called ken who was quite tall and used to bet heavily on colours - 500 on red etc



oh happy days.....

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