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Spout House, Stannington

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I have been trying to get a decent photograph of the house for my wife's family history records but I've been told I mustn't trespass on the land as the occupier is a recluse.


You don't need to trespass. With such a good reason for wanting a photo of the house why not just knock on the door and ask permission ? You might even be lucky and find the current occupier is as interested in the history of the house as you are.

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I was warned by locals not to trespass,even posties and delivery people had trouble gaining entrance.


When I did go there, I found there was barbed wire and the path was overgrown so badly you couldn't walk down it.


I didn't go down through the large gate as I thought the occupier might have dogs and I didn't want any problems of trespass.


I could give it another go, does anyone know the occupier's name and phone number?


Happy Days!

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  • 2 years later...
I can help with some information on the farm. I helped Denzil and Ivy Thomas at this farm for 10 years. At that time I lived in Stannington and my name was Kathleen Beal. The farm did not actually belong to the Thomas family it was owned by Ivy's Mother Rachael Saddington who lived at High Bradfield. There were other young people who heelped at the farm - Dennis Nichols and Richard Charlesworth. I used to do the milking and help generally with all the farm duties, ploughing, seeding, muck spreading etc. The fella's did other things, hay making and all the heavy liftting jobs. The farm was sold to a developer in 1965 and in December that year the Thomas's moved to a farm in Skerne, Near Driffield. In 2005 I spent three months with them at their farm which was arable. They did not have any animals.

Unfortunately Denzil died in March this year at the age of 80 but his wife Ivy and Son Patrick still live on the arm at Skerne.

Spout House farm could not be fully built on as some of the land was in the green belt and still remains undeveloped.

In the copse at the front of the house was a large built in pool, this was fed from a natural spring and many years ago used to be used for Baptism. The water was later diverted into trough in the farm yard for the cattle to drink and the pool became empty as it was very deep and dangerous for children.

There is a scary story attached to the farm whwich goes:-

A previous owner (I think his name was Grayson) cut his throat in the cowshed but as this was not successful he then hung himself in the dairy and they used to say that on the anniversary of his death you could hear the dairy door open and footsteps. All the years I was there I never heard it. The house was very old and from memory there was a stone in front of the house with the date on it. The walls very over 18inches thick and the windows had seats in them in front of the wooden shutters. It is quite a large house and very eerie in some parts as one of the bedrooms upstairs did not have any floor in. The door was always kept locked for that reason. Last time I was there it looked very dilapidated which is rather a shame as there is so much history attached to it. Hope you enjoy reading this little story.


kathleen do you know what happened to John Thomas I went to school with him when he lived in stannington

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  • 2 weeks later...

To Mike Glossop


Hello Mike


Yes I do know what happended to John Thomas. When he got married he rented a farm in Driffield and farmed on his own, he had a daughter.

Unfortunately in his early 40's he developed bowel cancer and struggled with the treatments. He got fed up with feeling ill and being unable to work so he decided to give it all up and died shorttly after. His wife and daughter still live in a private house in Driffield.m He was 44 when he died.


His brother Patrick also died 2 years ago so only his Mother and Sister are still living. His Mother is 91 and lives in a nursing home in Driffield.


Hope this helps you


Regards Kathy Trowles ( remember a Maureen Glossop at school are you related ?)

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  • 4 months later...

Hi, this might be a bit late but these are distant relatives of ours and lived at Spout House. This info is from the 1911 census.



Walter Revitt born 1873 (head of house)

Edith Ellen Revitt born 1876 (wife)

Myrtle Edith Revitt born 1900 (daughter)

Vera revitt born 1907 (daughter)

Walter Gerald Revitt born 1911 (son)

Ellen Middleton born 1846 ( mother in law)

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Nichols and Charlesworth ring a bell, did they live on Uppergate Road ?

My aunty, Alice Skelton, nee Beachell lived on there, she and my mother Mary Beachel were born at Middle Cottage, Crow Royd's.


Ey up Gymjudi, my grandmother on my mothers side was a Revitt, shall I call you Cuz, ha ha.

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