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Does anyone remember Marjorie clowes School of Dancing


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Does anyone remember the Marjorie Clowes School of Dancing on Attercliffe in the 1950's. I was a pupil ther and I remember every year we would put on a performance at the Sheffield City Hall, along with all the other dance schools. Does anyone remember this?

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  • 7 months later...

my wife carol bruce went to marjorie clowes around that time. she was on the city hall twice, once in 42nd street all dressed in white with red sequins and next time a forces show, she was a sailor. She remembers maria parr, margaret or pat richardson, ann taylor, a young man she thinks was malcom and eileen and david sockett.

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Hi there jackbee, I remember the 42nd street but can't seem to remember the sailor performance. I can't remember a lot of the names but I seem to remember Pat Richarfdson, AnneTaylor and the boy named Malcolm, I seem to remember that there were only 2 boys in the class. Does your wife remember Rose Murphy and also does she remember the tambourine gypsy dance? I attended classes from around 1957-1962, I left at around 11 years of age.

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  • 2 years later...

Yes I went to margery clowes dancing school around 1954 in Attercliffe. I remember dancing on he city hall in the forces show. We were the last act I was an airman and Miss Clowes husband made a paper mache aeroplane. My friends were Pamela Hopkinson, Christine Gambles and I have a photograph taken with a girl called Barbara Newton it top hat and sequined waistcoat. I think Margery came from Wodhouse her husband had a garage. Her mother always played the piano for us and we did shows ie the gypsy dance, the maypole and I was an irish coleen.

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  • 10 months later...

I don,t remember this place, but I do remember Alfred Gold's school of dancing overlooking the peace gardens. Used to go there on Friday nights in 1959/1960, had a great time and met many nice girls, could,nt dance very good in those days however. Alfie was a bit effeminate ( Gay ) though in those days being gay meant being happy. Lots of very happy memories of Sheffield, left England in 1972, now live in Melbourne Australia.


Derek ( Delboy )

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sure do..... approx 1958-1964

the Christmas parties with the jelly and blancmange....

Miss Clowes' bright make up.....

her mother on the piano being shouted at

I have photos of the gypsy dance, the sailor routine, the top hat and tails ... but i am not posting them!!!!


I remember a Susan Roberts and her younger brother - I think Malcome




Stephanie Pyne

Two sisters but i cant remember there names


There was one girl who went onto be a tiller girl and we never heard the last of her -


The shows at the Montgomery Theatre where we all lined up at the end to receive presants from each other.


All the mothers sat at the end of the room watching


shuffle hop step shuffle hop step.

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