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Wardsend Cemetery - again

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Well I went for the tour today and very interesting it was too, so thanks to Pete and George, the two guys from the FoWC, for putting it on. It appears however that the information in my post above isn't correct: this was the first tour they've done since the bridge collapsed in 2007, and it's possible they may not do any more because of the excessive amount of regulations they have to comply with.


Such a shame to see that the cemetery is being ruined by idiot off-road bikers churning the ground up. And if you're one of the even bigger idiots who were riding your off-road bikes along the railway track, I hope they put on a special train for you.

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Me and my dad went up there a month or so back, never even knew the place existed lol. Got some great photos though. Photos here http://www.derelictplaces.co.uk/main/showthread.php?t=12490 if anybody's interested.


Thankyou for the photo's

I have relatives (of my husbands) who are buried in the cemetery and hope to visit one day and locate the graves.

Has the access improved at all and is there a 'quick way' to find out the location of the graves?

Sorry this is all new to me but made an undertaking to a dear old lady I would find her mother and fathers grave, dating back to around 1923



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hello mumsy,


The most important sources of information are the Burial Registers held by Sheffield Archives. The entries record the section letter and grave number for each person buried there.


However, the stumbling block is that there are no detailed plans survivng from the time when the cemetery was in use.


With the permission of the Friends of Wardsend Cemetery I have been gradually reconstructing the plans and photographing gravestones. It is a slow business. However, I am fairly confident that I can locate most graves given a reference from the burial register.


One shortcut is offered by the monumental inscriptions that were recorded some time ago. These were published without grave references or a plan, but I have a list linking the published inscriptions to the references, plus a large number of inscriptions that were omitted from the original survey. If you would like to post or pm me some names and dates I can see if they are mentioned on a gravestone.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Things are moving as regards the Cuncil taking responsibility but slowly and still fly tipping going on. Sorry I can't post original site I referred to but I'm a novice at this game.


Somebody having a real grumble about it and getting David Blunkett involved as its in his constituency

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Somebody having a real grumble about it and getting David Blunkett involved as its in his constituency


only until thursday night............


though it is good that finally someone is doing something about it

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