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What martial art should I take up?

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In an effort to not get beaten up I've decided to take up some form of martial art or boxing activity.


My requiremenets are that the location I can train needs to be around the city centre as I have no car and not much time to be catching the bus here, there and everywhere. They also need to be able to accept complete beginner's with the fitness level of an 80 year old asthmatic with heart difficulties and be relativly cheap.


I'm up for anything really: boxing, kickboxing tae kwon do etc. Just needs to fulfill the above requirements...


Cheers guys and girls!

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can i presume from the user name that you're a student? Which university are you at.


Both universities have several martial arts clubs, why don't you look into them and give them a go, try a range of them out and you should find one which suits you.

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any1 that does martial arts will just recommend whatever style they are doing..


i think ju-jitsu is best for self defence as it deals with more situations you would get in on the streets and how to re-act.



:D but im biased and i'm doing just what i said others would haha


as for clubs appart from the universities as cyclone mentioned. there is a place on london road thats pretty close to town centre.



failing that try this link



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Originally posted by MTheo

any1 that does martial arts will just recommend whatever style they are doing..


i think ju-jitsu is best for self defence as it deals with more situations you would get in on the streets and how to re-act.



:D but im biased and i'm doing just what i said others would haha


as for clubs appart from the universities as cyclone mentioned. there is a place on london road thats pretty close to town centre.



failing that try this link




clearly not true as i avoided mentioning my club or even my style...

some people will realise that their art isn't the right one for everyone.

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Sounds like you need a semi-contact class. There are several strains of tae-kwon-do so avoid WTF if you don't fancy being kicked black and blue. TAGB include more hand moves in their style than WTF do, and if I take the sport up again I think it'll be with GTF and Kim Stones coz they do 'tasters' of other styles too, but I think his club is only in Doncaster.


Tai chi is reputedly good for self defence and doesn't include throwing youself about alot!!

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Originally posted by Strix


Tai chi is reputedly good for self defence and doesn't include throwing youself about alot!! [/b]


Think it depends what you mean by "throwing yourself about a lot" we try to avoid going to ground but have no aversion to putting someone else there. I think you'll find our freestyle moving step push hands requires you to throw yourself around a fair amount.


But i should say many thanks Strix for the recognition as a martial art.


Anyway choosing a martial art for you depends on at least two things. I think you need to know what you want to do it for(ie self defence, sport, health, confidence, focus) and then you need to know what you like in an art. With this in mind you can looking into an art and judge whether the system has aspects which will keep you satisfied and motivated in the long run.


To be honest the finding out what you like is the really hard bit. You may have to try a few before you find the one for you. Give em a go. Make sure you find a good teacher for each one you try.



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I think Cyclone is Wright in saying both.

>Clearly not true as I avoided mentioning my club or even my style...

>Some people will realise that their art isn't the right one for everyone.

Hi is one of the least biast people I have spoken to on the net. (Well apart from when it comes to Self Defence) never mind that bit private joke He He.




I have to agree with what n_tomo put.

>To be honest the finding out what you like is the really hard bit. You may have to try a few before you find the one for you. Give em a go. Make sure you find a good teacher for each one you try.





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i only became aware recently of people teaching using this contract style.


I'd definitely stay away from it. Ideally you should be able to try at least the first session for free and after that paying per session allows you to be flexible. That said, i've paid in the past for a term at a time at uni as there was a discount available. I'd already been training for several years though, so i wasn't about to change my mind.

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Try going into the central library in town. In there you can get print outs of various Sheffield martial arts clubs with their address' and contact no's on (well, they did two or three years ago and I'm pretty sure they still do). Then, as some of the other replies have said, it's just a matter of working your way through them until you find one that suits you. Good luck and keep trying, there's something out there for everyone.

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