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What martial art should I take up?

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I did Shotokan karate as a child, Tie boxing and Kick boxing as a teenager and Boxing as a teenager/ twenty something.


For close contact such as nightclubs etc... I would definatly go with Boxing. You simply do not have the time to start kicking people when you are being attacked in a crowded place.


A close second comes Tie boxing or 'MuiThai' as it is sometimes referred to. With enough space it can be devastating.


I did not take to Karate really. I think it had something to do with not being able to bash people.


These are only my opinions and as i never stayed in any of them for too long (Boxing was the longest one and that was only 2 years or so in total) i may not be qualified to give proper advice.


My spelling may also be wrong on a few things!


PS. The last gym i went to was The Don Valley Sporting Acadamy. It is just behind Don valley stadium in a working mens club. It is a 4or5 minuite walk from the tram stop at the technology park.

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like a lot of people have said go and have a look,Decide what you want to train for, I.E self defence, sport, keep fit, talk to the Instructor, watch a class, then try it, infact try a few classes dont sign a contract, also you may have to travel to find a good class, just because a class is two minutes away from you, wont make it any better than one that is bus or tram ride away. at one time i was traveling 100 miles to train but that was one on one.Infact i have been known to travel to the USA just to train LOL. when you find what you like its worth making the effort.

Good luck in your search.



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Originally posted by vidster

For close contact such as nightclubs etc... I would definatly go with Boxing. You simply do not have the time to start kicking people when you are being attacked in a crowded place.


A close second comes Tie boxing or 'MuiThai' as it is sometimes referred to. With enough space it can be devastating.


Thai boxing (Muay Thai) would actually be much more effective in close contact than Western boxing. Boxing is all on the back foot and the aim is to dodge punches. Thai boxing is all on the front foot, with just as much hand work as boxing, but also with elbows (I'm talking close contact weapons, not including the feet/shins).


And I've done both. Kickboxing I wouldn't even put in the same league as the 2! It's much more of a "self defense" sport, rather than a "combat" sport.

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Hi GazB


Getting off the subject of what class and how to pick a club for a moment.


Just a quick question and I don’t mean this in a bad way as I have mentioned before that I wouldn’t want to get into a fight with a Thai boxing (Muay Thai) and I have the utmost respect for there training both in self defence and the ring. But isn’t Thai boxing becoming more of a sport these days or is that just what is put across in the Magazines??? I only know of a couple of places in the Uk that deal with the Self-defence side more than they do the Ring Side. I would be interested in seeing some Traditional Muay Thai Self Defence how is it different from the Ringside of things???


Once more I don’t mean any disrespect from this.





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Originally posted by GazB

Thai boxing (Muay Thai) would actually be much more effective in close contact than Western boxing. Boxing is all on the back foot and the aim is to dodge punches. Thai boxing is all on the front foot, with just as much hand work as boxing, but also with elbows (I'm talking close contact weapons, not including the feet/shins).


And I've done both. Kickboxing I wouldn't even put in the same league as the 2! It's much more of a "self defence" sport, rather than a "combat" sport.


The weight is on the back foot initially. However any decent boxer is able to switch weight from front to back foot or vice versa immediately, this is what makes their punches devastating with both hands. Boxing styles are tailored to peoples build. I speak as a veteran with of over 90 competitive amateur bouts. My own style with me been shorter than many opponents was relentless inside work with punishing attacks consisting of short hooks/uppercuts mixing attack to both head and body.

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  • 2 months later...


youre totally wrong

kickboxing IS a combat sport, then again it depends on who ahs taught you kickboxing?

Was it taught by an actual kickboxer?

or some karate or kung fu guy trying to make a quick buck on the back of kickboxing???


In reply to your questions student sheff:

1. Near City Centre???


Wellington Street Boxing gym (near me local, the devonshire cat &corporation nightclub)

thats in the city centre!!!

(also means a quick pint after kickboxing :P LOL)


2. combat sport?

Kickboxing if taught properly is a combat sport for example we use a boxing gym facilites.Weve got a boxing ring , punch bags, loads of pads and stuff.

And if your good enough they even let you do sparring in the ring and the trainer holds pads for you to correct your guard and your boxing combos and stuff.

And whats most fun is he puts on this belly pad and lets you kick him !


Oh and DaveB , they enter full contact figths (well some of the lads do, i dont , im not hard/brave/stupid/ugly enough :P)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by Freddylee


youre totally wrong

kickboxing IS a combat sport, then again it depends on who ahs taught you kickboxing?

Was it taught by an actual kickboxer?

or some karate or kung fu guy trying to make a quick buck on the back of kickboxing???


In reply to your questions student sheff:

1. Near City Centre???


Wellington Street Boxing gym (near me local, the devonshire cat &corporation nightclub)

thats in the city centre!!!

(also means a quick pint after kickboxing :P LOL)


2. combat sport?

Kickboxing if taught properly is a combat sport for example we use a boxing gym facilites.Weve got a boxing ring , punch bags, loads of pads and stuff.

And if your good enough they even let you do sparring in the ring and the trainer holds pads for you to correct your guard and your boxing combos and stuff.

And whats most fun is he puts on this belly pad and lets you kick him !


Oh and DaveB , they enter full contact figths (well some of the lads do, i dont , im not hard/brave/stupid/ugly enough :P)


Excuse me for asking Freddy, but you've recommended this particular kickboxing club a few times now, yet, according to the website, what is taught there is actually a blend of martial arts (despite the 'kickboxing' name). so are you advocating kickboxing in its (shall we say) 'pure' form, or rather the specific blend and club to which you refer?

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