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The Pomona re-opens this week

The Pomona

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Agreed nothing wrong with sky sports infact been in there many a time when large sections of the pub enjoying the fotty on tv.


If you dont like it plenty of pubs that dont have it.


Good luck with it anyway I think it has great potential.

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That's us told Meaks:rant:! From the 'Let's go to Benidorm and find a horrible English bar full of only English people, which sells fish and chips and plays Sky Sports' crowd:roll::blush:.


Sing to 'em Meaks, go on - they deserve it:hihi:!



Looks for coat



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We are a group of local pensioners living around Ecclesall Rd and regularly meet for a drink and chat.Just wondered if the re-opening of the Pomona would be suitable for a night out.The other pubs seem to cater for teenagers and students.

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