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Lest we forget, Sunday


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Another Remembrance Sunday has now just ended.


I wore no poppy on this day, not red or white. I did not gather at a cenotaph, nor did I watch a television to see the nation pay its respects to the war dead.


Instead, I visited my parents, for November the 11th is my mother's birthday - and her name is Poppy. Mum is 85 now and Dad is older still, and they are both in poor health. The flowers I gave her for her birthday were returned to me, and I took them to a quiet churchyard in Derbyshire, and laid them at the grave her sole brother.


Harry was the uncle I never knew. He was a flight sargent, and died on a bombing raid in WW2. He lies buried in a Flanders Field. He was only 23.


November 11th is both a happy occasion - when we celebrate Poppy's birthday. It is also a sad time for our family, as we remember the ultimate sacrifice that Harry gave in the cause of freedom from Nazi tyranny.


“They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old;

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.”

A very moving post.

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How sad was the tone of ALL of Sandie's posts - such an angry person. Hopefully he/she will find some inner peace someday.How awful also that such a simple misunderstanding could wreak such vengeance.


All in all a sad reflection of how we behave towards people/messages we don't understand!


Wouldn't it be wonderful if one day we had no need of a Remembrance Day , ANZAC Day or Veterans Day.


I think this is the end of this thread - yes?

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