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Hit and run advice

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Last night as my boyfriend was driving home from work he was hit by a car which then drove off.


It was quite serious, my boyfriend has whip lash and is in quite a lot of pain.


He managed to get the registration number of the offending vehicle and has given it to the police.


However it turns out, as we suspected, that this car is probably stolen. It was last registered in Nottingham 6 years ago but it is unlikely that this owner still owns the car.


So what I want to know is what happens now? My boyfriend will have to pay out £150 excess to get the car fixed, whilst this bleep gets away scot free.


A work mate has mentioned claiming from the criminal injuries compensation board but I don't really understand anything about that and neither does my boyfriend.


Has anyone ever been in a similar situation?

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AFAIK there is at least one fund , created by motor insurers, for payouts to accident victims of uninsured, unkown drivers.


I would drop in or phone your local Citizens Advice Bureau who will be only to happy to point you in the right direction.

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yea you got a no claim or not a cat in hell to get cash from the crim /inj board in other words you must be of loss of limb or hospital or serious injury to even think of claiming .anther way is to sue the drivers assesets if they got any i.e house/belongings if the crash was proved but in a nutshell forget it im sorry to say put it down to car crime

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  • 6 months later...

I was the victim of a hit and run driver, the driver was never traced, but the registered keeper turned out to be on the run for another offence. Now has denied she was driving. The vehicle wasn't stolen. Because the car was identified, you should be able to claim from the Motor Insurers Bureau. I know its a bit late and you've probably sorted things, just posted for any other victims in need!



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