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Learning to DJ in Sheffield


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I once played the very last set in the chillout area at a psychedelic trance festival and finished with "Reach for the Stars" - went down very well...


the right tune at the right time...




Seriously?! After seeing Prodigy last year, immediately after they finished, that old 'love is in the air' song was played. It was weirdly totally appropriate! It was midnight, in the open air, it had just started raining, we'd already been at the festival for 9 hours and everyone was euphoric!

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Planet Zogg always finishes off (after 8 hours of banging trance techno) with "Its A Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong.


Anyway - back on track - I suppose courses could be very good for teaching you the mechanics of DJing ( I think Red Tape may very well do some) - but the wider stuff of what to play (obvioulsy what you are into - unless you are a commercial pub/event type DJ) & how to react to a dancefloor is very much stuff you learn along the way. And you cannot really teach luck or persistance - which is what leads to a lot of breaks.

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I venture to say that even today its STILL possible to become a 'household name' DJ very fast, with just a few lucky breaks. (I think it would be a great TV show, like X factor concept, to audition a few Dj's and pick one and try and push them right to the top in just a few months..hey I might copyright that idea and produce a TV show)...


.I believe it can be done, REGARDLESS of skill, music genre, technical ability, etc, its all about getting your foot THROUGH the door and not just in it.....I think that most wannabe DJ's dont have the personality to drive them forward.....forget sending out demo tapes, get out there in the field and just do it!!!!


I know a DJ who has been slogging away for years playing bars in Manchester, and got nowhere other than 2nd rate bars and never done a club yet....why? Just not PUSHY enough...you get to play clubs by going down and doing it, not sitting around waiting for phones to ring after you posted off a demo tape and a CV....that does not work!!!


I am willing to suggest very boldly that I could take ANYONE who wanted to be a DJ and get them playing at the TOP night in any town on good money within 6 months, and not by pulling any strings or calling in favours from promoters and club owners, but by showing them how to do get that foot firmly in, around and through that door. And that person may be rubbish at mixing and with no experience, but they could be headlining at the top clubs in no time....


Once again, and sorry to shatter any urban myths about DJ'ing, but it is nothing to do with tech skill or mixing abilities, etc. (Most DJ;s go wrong and go nowhere fast as they spent all their time trying to create the 'perfect mix' or 'perfect set' of technical brilliance). It's about YOU, the person behind the decks, and what you do with that gift or 'learned asset', and NOT what you do ON the decks!!!


The CULT of the DJ in both the old fashioned 'sex symbol opening supermarkets and appearing on TV chat shows, ie Tony Blackburn, etc), and the modern 'superstar dance club DJ's' relies purely on ONE universal factor.....having the guts to get up and do it!!!


And remember, some of the biggest name DJ's got where they are today by doing things against the grain, ie totally outrageous or non acceptable forms of mixing or set creation, never try and emulate another, invent your own technique....even if its playing non stop NOW CD's like I did.....it worked.......

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I venture to say that even today its STILL possible to become a 'household name' DJ very fast




I am willing to suggest very boldly that I could take ANYONE who wanted to be a DJ and get them playing at the TOP night in any town on good money within 6 months.


Fraid I cannot agree with you there. Although believing in yourself and getting "out there" are key attributes - with the best will in the world it takes time to build up a reputation (and contrary to popular belief - at least some skill). Even someone like Paul Oakenfold - who is as career minded and pushy as its possible to be - tooks years to become a well known name


BTW I f you are so certain - why arent you running the biggest DJ agency/management co in the world instead of a (no doubt very fine) rock pub?



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I venture to say that even today its STILL possible to become a 'household name' DJ very fast, with just a few lucky breaks. (I think it would be a great TV show, like X factor concept, to audition a few Dj's and pick one and try and push them right to the top in just a few months..hey I might copyright that idea and produce a TV show)...


.I believe it can be done, REGARDLESS of skill, music genre, technical ability, etc, its all about getting your foot THROUGH the door and not just in it.....I think that most wannabe DJ's dont have the personality to drive them forward.....forget sending out demo tapes, get out there in the field and just do it!!!!


I know a DJ who has been slogging away for years playing bars in Manchester, and got nowhere other than 2nd rate bars and never done a club yet....why? Just not PUSHY enough...you get to play clubs by going down and doing it, not sitting around waiting for phones to ring after you posted off a demo tape and a CV....that does not work!!!


I am willing to suggest very boldly that I could take ANYONE who wanted to be a DJ and get them playing at the TOP night in any town on good money within 6 months, and not by pulling any strings or calling in favours from promoters and club owners, but by showing them how to do get that foot firmly in, around and through that door. And that person may be rubbish at mixing and with no experience, but they could be headlining at the top clubs in no time....


Once again, and sorry to shatter any urban myths about DJ'ing, but it is nothing to do with tech skill or mixing abilities, etc. (Most DJ;s go wrong and go nowhere fast as they spent all their time trying to create the 'perfect mix' or 'perfect set' of technical brilliance). It's about YOU, the person behind the decks, and what you do with that gift or 'learned asset', and NOT what you do ON the decks!!!


The CULT of the DJ in both the old fashioned 'sex symbol opening supermarkets and appearing on TV chat shows, ie Tony Blackburn, etc), and the modern 'superstar dance club DJ's' relies purely on ONE universal factor.....having the guts to get up and do it!!!


And remember, some of the biggest name DJ's got where they are today by doing things against the grain, ie totally outrageous or non acceptable forms of mixing or set creation, never try and emulate another, invent your own technique....even if its playing non stop NOW CD's like I did.....it worked.......


Sorry mate that's ********, no matter how good you are at selling yourself, you'd last all of two records at a top club if you can't mix them together. They'd spot you for the imposter you are and have you out on your ear, then proceed to give your spot to someone with talent who deserves it.


Perfect example is young John Dixon, he's not afraid of a bit of self-promotion and has worked his way to some very prestigious gigs - HOWEVER, it's only the fact his determination is backed-up with ability that he's got them. If he was cack at what he does, they'd tell him where to go.


James Zabelia famously badgered Sasha et al for gigs and stuff - he got them because he blew them away with his ability and he now helps design Pioneer DJ products.

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Perfect example is young John Dixon, he's not afraid of a bit of self-promotion and has worked his way to some very prestigious gigs - HOWEVER, it's only the fact his determination is backed-up with ability that he's got them. If he was cack at what he does, they'd tell him where to go.



I don't rate John Dixon, he's very average.

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Sorry mate that's ********, no matter how good you are at selling yourself, you'd last all of two records at a top club if you can't mix them together. They'd spot you for the imposter you are and have you out on your ear,


who would? Club management generally would not recognize a good mix from someone playing NOW CD's back to back, come on.....been there done it, they don't have a clue.....not naming any clubs but the Management at one I worked at in the 90's did not know the difference between trance, funk or hip-hop, and had as much of a clue as what a good DJ sounded like as what his annual VAT return was.......

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I don't rate John Dixon, he's very average.


Well music tastes aside, what I mean is he has technical ability and those who are into the same thing as him obviously recognise that.


Now by comparison, my mate's just downloaded his first set of tunes, hasn't got decks and only uses mine now and then - will he be playing at Plug in 6mths? No, not for all the good will and enthusiasm in the world. I therefore must disagree with the venerable Mr Fleece.


I know what you're saying about some club owners, the faceless fat cat who wants to make money from the night time leisure industry, but try pulling that one somewhere where those involved are passionate, dedicated and knowledgable and you'd get laughed at. I somehow can't see me turning up at Fabric/Sankeys/Basics/Plug etc with a load on Now cds!

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