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Does anyone remember Old Ma Spencer


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Old Ma Spencer at Beaver Hill school in the early 60's, wasn't she a tyrant. Used to check us girls for earings and makeup and boy was she strict. Also does anyone remember the headmaster Mr Hancock, he had one arm and we used to call him he one armed bandit. Seems so long ago now.

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  • 4 months later...
Guest Philsma

I remember Old Ma Spencer tho' I wasn't at Beaver Hill until '65ish. Mr Hancock was head during my 1st year and then Dennis Spooner took over (much more lenient.) Mrs Spencer or Spanner as we used to call her always wore black seamed stockings & dark red lipstick. Some of my teachers were Mr. Bunting (English), Mr Richardson (maths) & Mr Squires (science.)

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Guest Philsma

Don't remember anything about this Hazel, it may have happened before or after my time at BH. He was a very good teacher, meticulous in his ways & appearance but always approachable - he knew how to keep his students' interest in their lessons. I think he lived just across the road from the school - somewhere on the Flockton estate.

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Gosh I remember Mrs Spencer, wasn't she house craft teacher as well, she used to terrify me, always remember her giving me a piece of string to tie my hair in a pony tail you weren't allowed to have long hair not tied up.


Also remember how she used to give the cane, usually when she had caught some one smoking.

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Guest Philsma

Hi - yep she took us for housecraft - perhaps it should have been re-named 'witchcraft' with some of the recipes that were brewed up! She was strict with the girls - we had to take letters home once saying skirt hems had to be BELOW the knee - ridiculous considering it was the 60's. One girl took the mick, she turned up in the grey pleated number half-way down her leg. I'm not quite sure where her job role came from - we had a head & deputy head teacher (Mr McCallum.) Somebody must have come up with the idea of a 'head' for the girls and she took on the job with gusto!:rant:

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