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What do you think of the "Merrie Monk" at Manor Park centre ?


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A friend of mine bought this pub a while ago, however, having 2 other businesses in Newcastle he has only been to the pub twice since he has owned it (he is a geordie and lives there)


He has spent thousands doing the place up, but it seems like no one wants to go to "estate" pubs these days - he has a large function room which stands empty except for weekends.


One of the staff organised a "ladies night" a while ago and spent a month planning and advertising it - including putting over 1000 flyers through letterboxes - guess what....THIRTEEN people turned up !


He has asked me to come up with ideas that may help the pub get back to how it should be, so im turning to the people on here to come up with suggestions that may help....


And yes, I have already suggested burning it down :hihi:


One serious idea was to hire the function room out as a rehersal room for bands etc.


Things like having games nights, fishing clubs etc have already been tried in the past so ideas are a little thin on the ground at the minute.


A previous regular event was having someone playing speed garage etc on a sunday afternoon - this was nearly always packed, but as you can imagine, it didnt go down too well with the neighbours :hihi:


So, if anyone has any ideas that may help, please feel free to suggest them....

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A previous regular event was having someone playing speed garage etc on a sunday afternoon - this was nearly always packed, but as you can imagine, it didnt go down too well with the neighbours :hihi:


So, if anyone has any ideas that may help, please feel free to suggest them....


I would avoid that at all costs, has a reputation of people that follow the music, just look at the venues in town that have played it and the problems it has brought with the licensing authority.

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The karaoke was tried a while ago and didnt work - you are right with the comments about drugs but the pub is willing to employ SIA registered door staff to try and combat this (if it goes down this route that is)


Unless you have 50 you wont stop them! Pills can easily be taken before entry and as for the queue for the toilets expect it to be very long!!

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