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What do you think of the "Merrie Monk" at Manor Park centre ?


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Tried that months ago, gave them what they asked for and trade did pick up (marginally) on friday and saturday nights but the rest of the week its dead.


Weird seeing as its the biggest pub in the area - mind you, it did have a fairly bad reputation over the past few years.


Im still going with my original suggestion of torching it for the insurance :suspect:


Probably a good job its not my pub :hihi:

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Most pubs these days are quiet on weekdays. The good ol' smoking ban caused that.


How about putting on live bands? Ones that will appeal to people living locally and book bands who attract a crowd. Depending on the size of the function room, you could get some bigger name bands from the local circuit in there.

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I think the problem with the Merry Monk is it's reputation. Over the years there have been some serious problems in there and so it is just a hard core of locals who continue to drink there. I have been in on several occasions and found it ok but you do feel a little intimidated by the regulars. I cant think of anything you could do to change this, its the same old story of estate pubs dwindling and reputations putting people off. At one time this pub was ranked the same as The Manor, Elm Tree, etc.

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and excuse me out of all the 13 that did turn up they was all ladies i do think you should visit the manor again sheff bloke as it isnt like it used to be its all private houses now lots of lovely ladies the pub just needs to get rid of the scum that is left and it is mostly the men that go in that keeps people away

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