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Venue needed for northern soul night!


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I just thought i'd pay Drax as a visit as i don't mind attending somewhere different it's like a breath of fresh air,as the northern scene sometimes becomes a little too intense on what's being played and who's actually playing it.

I like yourself will be attending prestatyn and in the past have travelled all over following my love of soul music,which i collect on vinyl lp's singles Cd's and sometimes don't really care which format i hear it in as long as it's the right sound for me.:thumbsup:


hi bossman


each to their own but without the hunger for original vinyl, the scene would have died years ago.


give respect to the guys that spend a lot of time and money searching for the elusive 45s. if you aint got the original vinyl you shouldnt be dj-ing in my opinion. anyone can go to HMV and spend 50 quid on cds. there are thousands of rare soul collectors who could do an imaginative and entertaining set of original vinyl.


its far from a breath of fresh air. since when has doing things on the cheap and easy been a breath of fresh air?


a breath of fresh air is something new and exciting - playing cd copies of records is backwards looking to say the least.


van gogh or a £5 poster print - who deserves the credit and respect?


just my opinions thats all.


bossman - i will do you a cd of the latest floorfillers on the rare scene if you are interested? would be happy to mate!



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Hello N. Soul


I s'pose it depends on what you want to get out of the scene really?? Some people just want to go to a night to hear good soul music, meet up with old friends and are not really interested in how rare a record is or its value?

In my mind this is a breath of fresh air, :thumbsup:

think you misunderstood me there??


If somebody wants to search and pay out for rare vinyl (which I admit I do myself) :cool: that's their perogative, but as for this being a pre-requisite of a good soul DJ, what a load of nonsence!


I actually know of one big name DJ (who I won't name) who has copied part of his original vinyl collection onto CD and played it at northern soul events, and it has not been at all detrimental to his set! I even heard of one DJ who put part of his collection onto a laptop to play out, viva la progress!!:banana:


So hear's the question? are these 2 guys doing anything on the cheap?


I agree anybody can go to HMV and spend £50 on cd's - but if like me you are interested in buying ALL GENRES OF SOUL MUSIC (including 70's/80's/ modern/RnB/soulful garage etc) you will find that alot of this excellent music is actually ONLY available on cd ie. its original format! In my mind this new soul mixed in with the old is what helps to keep the scene FRESH.


Finally, I think we all know there is a bit more to DJing than having a good/valuable/rare record collection? It's more about being open minded, and understanding/gageing what the punters want on the night, not showing off the value or rareity of your records and having an empty dancefloor!


Thanks for your offer of a latest floorfiller cd, :confused::huh:

I won't be taking you up on it - don't they call that bootlegging or summat?

I'll look out for you at Prestatyn and maybe have a beer or 2 :thumbsup:





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hi bossman


each to their own but without the hunger for original vinyl, the scene would have died years ago.


give respect to the guys that spend a lot of time and money searching for the elusive 45s. if you aint got the original vinyl you shouldnt be dj-ing in my opinion. anyone can go to HMV and spend 50 quid on cds. there are thousands of rare soul collectors who could do an imaginative and entertaining set of original vinyl.


its far from a breath of fresh air. since when has doing things on the cheap and easy been a breath of fresh air?


a breath of fresh air is something new and exciting - playing cd copies of records is backwards looking to say the least.


van gogh or a £5 poster print - who deserves the credit and respect?


just my opinions thats all.


bossman - i will do you a cd of the latest floorfillers on the rare scene if you are interested? would be happy to mate!




I understand what you are saying I just think as fewer and fewr rarities are to be found maybe we could move on.

I have bought at least one piece of vinyl (soul music) every week since around 1977...without fail. I never miss out on the opportunity to go in a record shop to find that illusive track. I guess you never lose the habit.


Everything is now recorded to CD when I get them home.


I would certainly never encourage the 'on the cheap' scenario


My point stems from having booked certain big names on the Northern scene.

I used to run the Brooklands Northern event.

There were some (big name) DJs that actually struggled with the concept of cuing a record up. Unfortunately for them, despite having the ability to programme a brilliant set, they lost the floor due to; silences, jumps , the sound of styli running acroos the slipmat etc not good.


Without doubt CD would benefit an ageing DJ community.


Lets face it you are not going to doubt that Ginger Taylor, Richard Searling etc are going to have the original 7" are you?


Any way its all about opinions.



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Hello N. Soul


I s'pose it depends on what you want to get out of the scene really?? Some people just want to go to a night to hear good soul music, meet up with old friends and are not really interested in how rare a record is or its value?

In my mind this is a breath of fresh air, :thumbsup:

think you misunderstood me there??


If somebody wants to search and pay out for rare vinyl (which I admit I do myself) :cool: that's their perogative, but as for this being a pre-requisite of a good soul DJ, what a load of nonsence!


I actually know of one big name DJ (who I won't name) who has copied part of his original vinyl collection onto CD and played it at northern soul events, and it has not been at all detrimental to his set! I even heard of one DJ who put part of his collection onto a laptop to play out, viva la progress!!:banana:


So hear's the question? are these 2 guys doing anything on the cheap?


I agree anybody can go to HMV and spend £50 on cd's - but if like me you are interested in buying ALL GENRES OF SOUL MUSIC (including 70's/80's/ modern/RnB/soulful garage etc) you will find that alot of this excellent music is actually ONLY available on cd ie. its original format! In my mind this new soul mixed in with the old is what helps to keep the scene FRESH.


Finally, I think we all know there is a bit more to DJing than having a good/valuable/rare record collection? It's more about being open minded, and understanding/gageing what the punters want on the night, not showing off the value or rareity of your records and having an empty dancefloor!


Thanks for your offer of a latest floorfiller cd, :confused::huh:

I won't be taking you up on it - don't they call that bootlegging or summat?

I'll look out for you at Prestatyn and maybe have a beer or 2 :thumbsup:






its only bootlegging if you copy a legit cd release. my cd would feature tracks copied from original vinyl that have never been officially issued on cd. therefore it aint bootlegging. i would also supply it free of charge. i swap cd's all the time.


its not about rarity or value either. its about being true to yourself and your punters. keeping it real in other words


i know the dj who copied his vinyl onto his laptop. embarrasing.


i wouldnt attend a venue that played cd's. i would like to think i am part of a progressive scene where nostaglia plays a much smaller part.


anyway, each to their own. nice talking to you all.


check out the site i work on http://www..soul-source.co.uk



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give respect to the guys that spend a lot of time and money searching for the elusive 45s. if you aint got the original vinyl you shouldnt be dj-ing in my opinion.



Good to see Northern Soul still remains the most trainspotter of genres!



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and your point?


why not make the post appealing to at least one more person than yourself??


Northern Soul isnt like techno where (arguably) vinyl is preferable for mixing/scratching - why does it matter if the DJ plays on CD or vinyl if the tunes are good?


Northern Soul (the music NOT your login name) has a reputation for being a bit trainspotter - the actual music seems to take second fiddle to the medium - which you made very clear has to be vinyl - and no doubt ideally the original pressing.


(that was my point...)

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Northern Soul isnt like techno where (arguably) vinyl is preferable for mixing/scratching - why does it matter if the DJ plays on CD or vinyl if the tunes are good?


Northern Soul (the music NOT your login name) has a reputation for being a bit trainspotter - the actual music seems to take second fiddle to the medium - which you made very clear has to be vinyl - and no doubt ideally the original pressing.


(that was my point...)


hi jake, i can see your point mate.


however, let me give a few opinions why original vinyl is the only medium to be considered.


an allnighter will usually feature 8 dj's all playing a 1 hour spots. If a dj has just spent 10 years trying to find a particular 45 and had to pay £1500 for it he will be dying to give it a spin. however, just before he hits the stage another dj plays the same record off a cd. do you think this scenario lacks respect? i certainly do.


if cd's are accepted what incentive is there for dj's to continue searching the junk shops of detroit looking for gems originally over-looked by the general public? a guy will spend a lot of time and money crate-digging to build up an original and exciting set list. why should he do this just so another guy can do the same set with all these rare tunes on a cd?


i go to london every fortnight to events. i know full well that i have to travel to hear certain tunes cos these tunes are exclusive to particular dj's. there is still great 45s been unearthed all the time.i would not travel all that way to hear some guy playing cd's. i can stay at home and listen to cds.


the scene has always been about vinyl. no dj who plays cds is pushing the scene forward. they are pretending and kidding themselves. if you aint got a certain record, play another record. simple as.


you are right it is like trainspotting. this attitude is not exclusive to the soul scene though. i am sure a lot of the new dance dj's insist on the original white labels too.


however, i have no problem if a venue doesnt claim to be playing original vinyl and allows punters in free.


northern soul is the ultimate underground scene. no major corporate company can make a bean out of it. the punters own it. its controlled totally by the punters and not by the media.


just a joke here.....cd's even hide themselves away in shame in that little cartridge. vinyl will spin proudly upon a deck. :P



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its only bootlegging if you copy a legit cd release. my cd would feature tracks copied from original vinyl that have never been officially issued on cd. therefore it aint bootlegging. i would also supply it free of charge. i swap cd's all the time.


its not about rarity or value either. its about being true to yourself and your punters. keeping it real in other words


i know the dj who copied his vinyl onto his laptop. embarrasing.


i wouldnt attend a venue that played cd's. i would like to think i am part of a progressive scene where nostaglia plays a much smaller part.


anyway, each to their own. nice talking to you all.


check out the site i work on http://www..soul-source.co.uk



HI N.Soul

It's really great to see that their is someone with the passion and enthusiasm still involved in the scene,:thumbsup:

This will help it progress and flourish but it also needs the input of technology and new music to help the process.

If it wasn't for technology we wouldn't be having this conversation now Therefore it can only be a good thing !:smile:


As for the DJ with the laptop we all know he has the records that he plays and many many more on top of that.

Imagine he's playing a £4000 record when somebody accidently bangs into decks and puts 1 mighty big scratch down it ?

To get insurance also can be an issue ?

Or when you think about it we're not all built like Arnie records do weigh quite a lot and most of the big name DJ's no disrespect intended aren't young so carrying a box of 500 records does not come very easy.

So embarrasing no practical yes :thumbsup:


I think the trainspotter comment i could be wrong comes out of do you dance to the record or do you go running up to the decks just to look at it Personally i'd sooner show my appreciation by having a dance to it Records are best heard not looked at in my opinion.


Like i said previously more and more music is available on CD I've got some rare 70's/80's vinyl albums which had taken me absolutely years to get hold of has now to my astonishment at the time being released on CD. Not from HMV but from a very well known respected record dealer.

I went out and bought them so i can now listen to it in the car and on my phone a little bit more progress there.



like you say a matter of opinions what is the difference of copying tracks from Vinyl to CD or CD to CD ? whether your paying for it or not your still breaking copy right laws Your also stopping someone going out and purchasing those tracks.

As for buying CDs one of the advantages is that the original artists have more chance of getting their royalties and recognition

because of the likes of HMV they has more chance of this happening .


I've had a look at your site and find it very interesting and good to see that there is still passionate people around but on a personal point of view all though i do love soul music i'm not as passionate as some of those on your forum but never the less I will at some point join in to some of these dicussions and banter etc

ps have a look at these even more technology http://www.audioturntable.com/about/index.html




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its only bootlegging if you copy a legit cd release. my cd would feature tracks copied from original vinyl that have never been officially issued on cd. therefore it aint bootlegging. i would also supply it free of charge. i swap cd's all the time.


its not about rarity or value either. its about being true to yourself and your punters. keeping it real in other words


i know the dj who copied his vinyl onto his laptop. embarrasing.


i wouldnt attend a venue that played cd's. i would like to think i am part of a progressive scene where nostaglia plays a much smaller part.


anyway, each to their own. nice talking to you all.


check out the site i work on http://www..soul-source.co.uk



Hi Northern Soul, Read all your'e comments with great interest & you don't half like stepping on banana skins:hihi:

Your'e the guy who regularly attends venues like Ponds Forge selling records arn'et you. Ever sold any bootlegs? I think we all know the answer don't we?

So it's ok for you & others to sell bootlegs (how legal is this?) but a DJ gets ripped to bits for playing a legitimate re-issue. Suppose you sell a bootleg to a DJ & he then goes & plays it in his set an hour later? Arn'et you as guilty as him as you supplied it to him:cool:

How mugh money does the original artist recieve for the sale of these bootlegs or any originals you sell for that matter?


At least the artist recieves a percentage of the sales for a legitimate CD (the recent Kent, Goldmine & Expantion releases spring to mind).

You are as bad as the Soulman from the Red Lion (who noticeably has not replied to my comments earlier in this thread)

Another hypocrite me thinks :gag:

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