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Adoption: Searching for adopted brother

Jason Hinnel

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I was adopted along with my little brother and I am desperately trying to find him.

His birth name was Nicky and he was born 21st November 1973


It will be 33 on 21st of November and it would be fantastic to find out if he is safe and well.


If 21st November rings any bells please reply.


He was adopted in the sheffield area

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It is possible Nicky ( who probably has a different name now ) doesn't know he is adopted or know his birth name.


But if you are or know of a male who is 33 on 21st November 2007 please reply.


Also if anyone else is adopted would be interesting to share stories

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Hi Jason.


The following information seems to be relevent to your case.




From 30 December 2005 a birth relative wishing to make contact with an adopted person can apply to an approved Intermediary Agency.


The Intermediary Agency will help facilitate contact between birth relatives and adopted people.


The Intermediary Agency can apply to the General Register Office for the name of the organisation involved in the adoption or if that is not available the name of the court granting the adoption.


In addition the Intermediary Agency can apply to the General Register Office for information from the Adoption Contact Register and post-adoptive information which will enable an application to be made for an adoption certificate.


All this information can be used by the Intermediary Agency to decide whether to proceed but this will be subject to the views of the adopted person.


Now the question is what or who is the Intermediary Agency.I'm sure that someone on this forum will tell us...




(p.s.spoke to you earlier)

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Hi, Thanks for that, The Intermediary Agency is social services, Yes I could use Norcap but they have to get info from social services who just don't want to tell me anything!

When I decided to search for my natural family 3 years ago social services basically did nothing so I got on with it myself which luckily worked in 7 days.

Now I know about my brother I decided to be patient and go through the red tape, this was 3 months ago, I asked for my file to be opened up and for nickys adoption date and still got a brick wall. It feels like I am on my own and if I cant find him no one else wil help. Very frustrating! I will be making a strong complaint with social services but hope I can find him without their help as it surely would be easier without someone in the middle not doing their job. I will be contacting the GRO to see if they can offer any advice.

I'm always open to advice so thank you.

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Yes, Had several ads and also today got radio sheffield to put it over the air waves so you never know! I'm kind of hoping as its coming up to his birthday he like I have done for many years will wonder where he came from and be a little more aware than any other time of year. The annoying thing is someone somewhere knows where he is and if it were only as easy as finding that person!


He's the only relative I havent found yet and I will only give up when I find him, if he tells me to go away at least I will have tried and he will at least know I'm there.


Sites like this are great as people are always kind enough to offer new angles and ways and even if it draws a blank maybe the next one will hit jackpot.


Surely there can't be that many folks who are male born 21st November 1973!!

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Hi Tuppie, Have checked out that page at GRO and yes it seems so.


Feels like I've moved on from the brick wall!


Only contacted the show earlier as a off thought and its good to know people do listen and are kind enough to offer advice so been a pretty good day. Better than waiting and waiting and waiting for you know who!


Will keep you updated.


Heres an interesting thought!


If I can look up who is dead given a birthdate is it possible to look up all males born on 21st November 1973 for this country who are alive? I know the police can access this info so who else has access to the up to date census and can anyone access it?

Just a thought.


Wouldn't that prove very interesting!

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Just noticed he will be 34 on 21st November 2007, don't know why I put 33.


I think that because he was given up for adoption at birth his adoptive parents wouldn't have kept his birth name, Although I kept my first name but only because I wasn't adopted for some time and I answered to it by then.

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