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Adoption: Searching for adopted brother

Jason Hinnel

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thank you doyle. jason is fantastic and so is my brother i grew up with he is kind and very quiet not like me i have such a short temper their are some good things in the family i think but their is a lot of bad. i am sure it was so hard for jason to find out all he has and even when he could have quit he didn't he pushed and pushed for the answers he desperatly wanted and now i hope he has the last part of it i do not have a problem with nicky how can i i have never met him one day when nicky is found and knows all he needs to i will post my reasons for you all to see then maybe everyone will understand. sandaz3.

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thank you. i just want jason to be happy and believe it or not i want the same for nicky as well. doyle can i ask you how you knew my name i haven't posted it i don't think anyway. it's not important i am just curious it's that nosey part in me.

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I dont know how i knew your name was Sandra, I thoght it had been mentioned somewhere in the posings. Good guess probably. Anyway I hope we get some good news soon. I am away till Monday now so I hope there is some good news when I get back.

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I have been following this thread although at times, especially since Sandaz3 joined in, I've felt that i shouldn't as I've had the feeling that I've been reading someone's private letters or diary. I agree with doyle that both Jason and Sandaz3 have been courageous for posting and thank you to both of you for sharing your story and thoughts with us.


I don't think any of us (as outsiders) have any right to judge either of you as we only know snippets of what really happened and don't know the whole family history and facts. What you have discovered and had to deal with about your past has obviously been very painful and difficult to come to terms with and my heart goes out to you both.


Jason, please keep us updated in your search for Nicky and as to whether the person Danny has links with could be him. I really hope it is and that both you and your sister are able to have a good relationship with him in the future.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jason and Sandaz3, the thread has gone a bit cold, has there been any more news from adopteddanny about his relative. People following this thread Im sure are waiting with baited breath to hear good news. Hope you get it soon. Take care.

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I've been following this thread for a while now and I'm so excited to see that maybe Nicky has been found. I hope it turns out well - its like reading a book and not being able to find the last page!!

Danny's comments about Sandra not searching for the truth made me think though. There are skeletons in everyone's family closet and when you grow up with mysteries that have always been there in the background, somehow it never really occurs to you to dig for the truth. Our family has its fair share of unexplained details, and I've never really probed for the truth. Some answers have been really obvious when we've found them out, but for some reason I just never thought it through before, and I just don't know why! I hope that if anyone ever does put the time in to find the answers they wouldn't judge me for not searching harder. Equally, if I ever put that effort in I would never judge everyone else in my family for not doing so.

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