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Adoption: Searching for adopted brother

Jason Hinnel

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Some of my mates have been asking for some time if anythings wrong and talking to them about all this was impossible, in the end I just told them to find this and read it and they still can't believe it.

I set out to do the 2 things I always said I would do, find out what really happened to my brother and go after the person who did it, think when my real father was locked away that was when I started having problems because then it hit me, I wasn't spending my time on finding answers because I had them all so had time to stop and think. If I could turn the clock back I would probably have 5 minutes alone with him and take my anger out on him, it almost happened but I'm better than him. The worse thing that can happen to him is to be in prison as a child sex offender and it makes me happy to know he aint getting an easy ride. That to me is justice, it took a long time coming but it's all caught up with him now.

It's sad no one can point to walters grave and say this is definately where he is, not for me but for walter. I think a little baby who died a slow painful death deserves far more than that & I always will.

Someone asked me if when I have kids will they ever meet my real mother, I'll let you all work that one out for yourselves!

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  • 4 months later...

Hi Jason,

I have been rather busy since October time as my husband has been quite ill and is now in hospital so I havent been on the site for a while so I thought Id catch up but you havent posted since October either. Have you anything to report or are you still feeling a little unwell or just waiting for something to happen. Please put a little post on to let us all know how you are doing, or would you rather let it lie. Either way its your call but hope youre ok

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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...
Some of my mates have been asking for some time if anythings wrong and talking to them about all this was impossible, in the end I just told them to find this and read it and they still can't believe it.

I set out to do the 2 things I always said I would do, find out what really happened to my brother and go after the person who did it, think when my real father was locked away that was when I started having problems because then it hit me, I wasn't spending my time on finding answers because I had them all so had time to stop and think. If I could turn the clock back I would probably have 5 minutes alone with him and take my anger out on him, it almost happened but I'm better than him. The worse thing that can happen to him is to be in prison as a child sex offender and it makes me happy to know he aint getting an easy ride. That to me is justice, it took a long time coming but it's all caught up with him now.

It's sad no one can point to walters grave and say this is definately where he is, not for me but for walter. I think a little baby who died a slow painful death deserves far more than that & I always will.

Someone asked me if when I have kids will they ever meet my real mother, I'll let you all work that one out for yourselves!

I know im a pain but its been nearly 12 months since we heard anything from you, is everthing ok.

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Hi Jason,

I haven't posted for ages either.Are you ok? Are you having problems?Although not many of us know you personally, we have all followed this thread with interest and also with anguish.

I hope you are not going through anything so traumatic that you are just not up to sharing it with us.

Sometimes, the world and what it throws at us is something too much for us to cope with , so we shut ourselves away in order to try and make sense of things.

You've been so brave , so you can surely allow yourself to have some downtime, but I hope you are back on an upward journey again.

Let us know you are ok.You don't even have to talk about your search, just let us all know that you are well.

Take care.

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Hi All,

I have not posted on this thread as only just come across it but have been so moved by Jasons story and the support everyone has given to Jason.

I too hope Jason is ok and hope the search for his brother has ended..successfully.

I like others will wait for a response and hope his search has now ended.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...

Sorry I havent been on. My dad had been ill for some time and he died just after christmas. As for nicky, I found out where he is and that he's okay. I havent gone any further, mainly because I will not bring him in to the family. My sister who decided to follow me around and have her say on here decided rather than be a sistr and be there for me like I have her for all this time, to have a go at me when I really wasnt up to it.

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So I have broke contact with that side of the family. So rather than waste my time on selfish people who just want whats in it for them I have time to concentrate on those that do matter and do care. Im sure if Nicky turned up they would be very quick to give him the sob story but tht is for them to sort not me. I am happy, I'm also lucky I have family on my fathers side that do care and they have been really good to me since christmas.

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