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Adoption: Searching for adopted brother

Jason Hinnel

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Life is getting back on track slowly and since I've distanced myself from family who just want to cause trouble and comment on things they cant be bothered to find out everything got much better but that is for them to live with and not me.

At last I can freeely say I have neevr met such a selfish bunch who just want to cause trouble. My sister who commented on here even tried to cause trouble on facebook with my other side of the family but instead made a big fool of herself and they like me said just after my dad had died just how low can someone get, but I suppose when she didnt want to know about Walter for all those years and just join in because I cared it isnt too much of a surprise.

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As for my real dad, I am in contact with him, I have been for a year now, we settled our differences a couple of months before he collapsed and had to have a triple heart bypass. He is still in prison, and for whatever he maybe he is my dad, and he's also the closest person in the family to me. When he gets out we will meet again. He may be a lot of things but he does care and he has been there for me which is far more than the other side of the family have.

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since my dad here died at christmas things did get difficult, mainly because I wasnt able to get to the hospital to se him. He was taken in on christmas day and died on the 2nd Jan. but rather than fall apart I thought about a lot of things, Both my parents here ahd a good life, they were happy and they went out knowing a lot of people cared, and thats more than some will ever know. for the past 6 years or so I have been tied looking firstly after my mum here and then my dad, without sounding cold in many ways I now have my freedom back, I dont have to wake in the night wondering if this is the night something happens.

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My real dad knows how I feel about lots of things, he knows I am there for him but on some things he is alone, but he also knows I love him and I care. when he was rushed to hospital not long after we sorted our differences I thought how good it was we did get around to doing it just in case. I dont hide my thoughts why he is in prison, but I do now stand up to those in the family who make comments about him especially since there quite a few who really shouldnt make comments judged on their history. I will say though that he did say to me quite some time ago, when he went in prison after my brother died it was an escape for him to get away from the family and he said one day I will see them for what they really are, and he was right.

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The only unfortunate thing is my birthname which was Jason Hinnells, that was my real mothers 1st married name and Im lucky I never really was a Hinnells, I am proud to be me and not one of them. It's side I lost some family which mattered to me but looking on it now why should I worry when it doesnt bother them. Lifes too short to wonder too much and they will never be as happy as I have been so its not my loss. Having just a few family memebrs who are close and care is far better than having dozens who at the end of the day dont care. I may sound a litle harsh but I have spent a lot of my time over the years on them and for what? to be given grief at a time when they should have known better, I'm pleased it did happen because at that point it made me realsie a lot of things.

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I am happier in myself and I found out I dont have to answer for what anyone else does. The sumemr has been betetr than I thought it would be and I'm not going to let people who are sad and selfish get to me anymore, if they want to be sad and miserable they can do it just as well without me around! After all they managed okay before I turned up! I hope everyone who has folowed all this is doing well, if anyone wants to keep in touch just ask for my email and I'll pass it on. I'm not going to put much on here about me as I am keeping my life away from the family memebrs who were quick to try and spy on me on here but I have better things to do than sit and watch what everyone else is doing, yes sandra that means you! get a life.

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I didnt realsie just how long its been since I last came on here, 3 years has gone very fast indeed. I would like to say to all of you who have joined in with all this a very big thank you, it has done me good to come on here and dribble on and to have comments made which have helped a lot. Thank you all for keeping me saine! Everyone has different views and opinions and its really good to here them all. Definately good therapy. Hope to hear from you all soon. J

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I didnt realsie just how long its been since I last came on here, 3 years has gone very fast indeed. I would like to say to all of you who have joined in with all this a very big thank you, it has done me good to come on here and dribble on and to have comments made which have helped a lot. Thank you all for keeping me saine! Everyone has different views and opinions and its really good to here them all. Definately good therapy. Hope to hear from you all soon. J


Hi Jason-think a lot of forumers were touched by your story-hope it has helped you to find some closure in your life. I hope you have the strength to move on-keep those you love close to you-theres a reason they are in our future and some why some stay in our past. We only get one shot so go for it, we dont get a second chance but need to take all the chances we can. Sorry dont mean to babble on......good luck with the future and all it holds,

take care and be strong,


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Hi Jason,

it's good to hear you've survived what life has thrown at you the last few months, and they say, dont they, that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger?And in your case this seems to be true.

Try not to be bitter about what has passed, you've come out the other side so it's all good from here on in.

Glad you located Nicky and you will be there if he decidedto find you.

All the best.

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I was just thinking of your story a couple of days ago, and hey presto you turn up! I'm glad you have found some kind of peace in your life, and yes, some closure, you have had a long run up to it. I hope that your life does keep on the straight and you are happy, that is the main thing. To many negative people just bring you down. Good luck to you Jason.

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