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Adoption: Searching for adopted brother

Jason Hinnel

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Hi Tuppie, Found Chesterfield forum and opened a thread last night, I've contacted the editor at Derybyshire times to get an add running ( did this in the Sheffield papers last year with no luck) but now I know Sheffield is slightly off course working on the ones around Chesterfield.

I am beginning to wonder if he doesn't have access to the internet or know he was adopted so the newspapers seem to be a good place to try.


Waiting for more info on who can obtain adoption certificates and a couple have quite a few for 1974 and they are checking them for me.



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I contacted the Salvation Army but was told they only search for birth parents or help parents find their children, they do not help brothers or sisters find each other sadly.


Social services are getting better after a lot of pushing, but I am using any method possible to find him and see which way works first! Thanks for the suggestion though.

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Hi Jason,


Probably already been mentioned but, did you know that there is a column in the Saturday's edition of the Sheffield "Star" which is for people to contact other people from the past. You could try contacting them at:


Give them as much detail as you can, just a thought, hope it helps and good luck, you're certainly trying hard enough!




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Thats one of my next jobs to search old newspapers to see if theres anything like 19th or 21st birthdays that could be a match.


Around his birthday last year I ran adds in a few papers but the area was a little off course, was working on what my birth mother told me!


Hi Tuppie, thanks for message, will try and catch next one.


I have had an update from social services now they opened up both Nickys and my file which looks very promising.


Has anyone got any views on adoptees being contacted by birth relatives?


With a push I can probably get social services to contact my brother and ask if he wishes any contact with me.


The big question is should I do it? I keep thinking if anyone had contacted me that way I would have declined and not been too happy, If my brother doesn't know he is adopted this would cause him problems and may make problems with his family even if he does know!


Although it's my right to make contact and I really want to know he is okay, I don't really want to wait and wait and wait to see if he ever decides to open up his file and search as he may never do it.


I feel I should do it and if I have to explain to him why I wanted to find him at least I'll get chance but it will change his life forever which is a big thing.


Any views on that?

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