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Question Time - what question would you ask?

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My better half is taking part in this weeks question time. He is in the audience at Buxton. He has submitted one question but needs a 2nd one for the night. It needs to be short and to the point reflecting issues relating to the Lib Dem leadership contest as only Nick Clegg and Chris Huhne will be joining David Dimbleby on the platform.

I look forward to reading your suggestions.

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My better half is taking part in this weeks question time. He is in the audience at Buxton. He has submitted one question but needs a 2nd one for the night. It needs to be short and to the point reflecting issues relating to the Lib Dem leadership contest as only Nick Clegg and Chris Huhne will be joining David Dimbleby on the platform.

I look forward to reading your suggestions.


A whole question time dedicated to the Lib Dem leadership contest?


What a waste of time!


I usually watch Question Time, although it depends on the panelists as to whether it's worth viewing.

A Liberal Democrat based Question Time is likely to send me to sleep!

Let's face it they aint gonna get elected anytime soon!


So a good follow up question might be:


In what year do either candidates predict that the Liberal Democrats might win a general election?:hihi:

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A whole question time dedicated to the Lib Dem leadership contest?


What a waste of time!


I usually watch Question Time, although it depends on the panelists as to whether it's worth viewing.

A Liberal Democrat based Question Time is likely to send me to sleep!

Let's face it they aint gonna get elected anytime soon!


So a good follow up question might be:


In what year do either candidates predict that the Liberal Democrats might win a general election?:hihi:


LOL indeed :hihi:


Some good questions there. Keep them coming :thumbsup:

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Where do they stand on making MPs 'expenses' transparent to the taxpayper? Maybe with a follow-up question of 'how much have you claimed for coming on to this show?'


Should we be seeing a reduction in local radio services/presenters being 'let go' whilst top salaries in the BBC are becoming scandalous?


How would they help the thousands of pensioners who have paid into pensions for all their working lives, being told they will be financially stable, who are now having to live on a pittance?


Hope your OH has a fab time, if he can keep awake!

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