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Question Time - what question would you ask?

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Nice one mate,at last a decent thread

My Question would be why do we allow so many imigrants into our country and give them more benefits,luxuries and neccesaties than people who were born in this country.

This isnt a tirade against foreigners in our country even though a lot of them take the preverbial P

I just think it stinks that we look after others rather than people who were born in this country.

And before you do gooders start,they get away with paying for a hell of a lot more than ENGLISH people have to!!!

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What are you going to do to get young people back into politics who are compleatly dissalusioned with all partys and cannot distinguish between the main 2 parties, who are only voting for the lib dems because they think they will legalise weed?

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Q: Being realistic the Lib Dems aren't going to win the next election, a new leader wouldn't have a great deal of time to do any great changes. What are you going to do which a Lib Dem leader hasn't done yet which you feel can get you to the same footing as the Conservaties and Labour.

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A few questions for the panelists.


Should M.P's live in their constituencies?

Should the tax payer pay for Liberal propaganda dressed up as M.P reports?

How much do M.P's really earn in total including expenses?

How can M.p's charge the tax payer £12,000 a year for stamps?

What is the point of the Lib Dems - are the Greens or Respect now a better alternative protest vote?

Why do Scottish people get £1500 of money per head more than the English despite contributing less to the economy?

What would the liberals really do to cut crime?

How/who will fund the money needed to support our infrastructure/NHS/Schools if we have the immigration amnesty Clegg is proposing?


And finally how long will they last in the job?

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Why do Barristers each need a publically funded clothes allowance of £15,000 per year, especially considering that they are some of the highest paid people in the UK ?


When will the remaining large landowners be forced to declare exactly how much land they own ?


Who was Jean Charles Demenendes actually working for as an electrician when he was executed by the Police, and why is this information being kept from the public ?


Why does the government continually refuse to fund local transport infrastructure, namely, The reopening of woodhead railway, the extension of sheffield supertram, the new airport link road FARRS scheme, while eager to spend billions in London duplicating existing routes.

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