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Slow Day at Dead Dog Gulch


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‘Yup,’ drawled Zeke, spitting out a fat wad of tobacco juice just missing Hank’s boot, ‘that sure is a dead dog.’

‘Hey these boots are brand new, ya baccy-spittin’ varmint ya.’ protested Hank.

‘Yep, dogs don’t come much deader’n that.’ Zeke reflected as he watched a piece of roving tumbleweed blow down the main street.

‘So,’ wondered Hank, ‘do you reckon these boots go with this hat? They looked awful nice in the store but now….well, I ain’t so sure.’

‘Y’know,’ said Zeke, ‘there’s some folks as reckons that dog ain’t dead but it sure looks dead to me.’

Hank bit his lip. ‘But….but about these boots…..’

‘What is it with you and boots?’ growled Zeke irritably. ‘New chaps, a fancy waistcoat, calfskin gloves and how many hats does a man need? Y’know we sure don’t see eye to eye you ‘n’ me. Never once have ye sat and pondered over that there dead dog. Or wondered how far ye can spit tobaccy juice. Or got yerself a darn good horn-swagglin’ at Madame Trixie’s across the way.’

‘Well….. y’see, it’s just that… when you said you were lookin’ for a pardner I thought….’


‘Nothin’. Don’t matter.’


And they fell into an uneasy silence as another piece of stray tumbleweed haltingly blew through town.

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I do enjoy Sir Nigels stories. They are so comical.:D


Others may disagree, but I love his humour, and that of seriessix too.


I haven't forgotten the wonderful children's stories Hopman created too, in the very early days of this Section of the Forum. Truly wonderful. :)

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