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Niche closing?


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Originally posted by BigTone

within the first half an hour of walking in Niche he was offer Cocaine, E's, Heroin etc - if that happened tyo me I would freak out!


You get that in most clubs tho (apart from the heroin bit)

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Originally posted by Scottandandy

You get that in most clubs tho (apart from the heroin bit)


True to an extent, but if the people are under age, and therefore arguably easily led by pere pressure etc, and have a lower tolerance to drink then this pro active selling of drugs does not bode well. Especially if some **** is selling Heroin.

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I was quite happy dancing......then I had a hude need to lay down and stare at a fish tank for 4 hours and watch them digitise, disintergrate and reappear again.


Apparently fish don't actually do that



Just say know!!!!

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