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What are the side effects of withdrawing from Citalopram?

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After a year of takinga 20mg dose of Citalopram i feel stable and well enough to start coming off it.


However, as is typical of my GP, i have received no guidance about any side effects i might experience and am therefore, rather clueless about what to expect. I have had a search on the internet but can't seem to find much.


I have reduced my dose to 20mg every other day for 10 days now. In the first few days i experienced anxiety but was able to rise above it because i have now developed effective coping mechanisms. However, more worrying is the sickness and dizziness i had during a hypnotherapy session. I have had vivid dreams but am not inclined to complain or be worried about those!


Has anyone any advice please?


Shouldn't you be asking a doctor for this advise?

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Thanks for your reply! I've finished a strip of 10mg tablets cut in half to 5mg, so for the last five days I have stopped taking anything at all. I'm feeling pretty tired, irritable and the 'head zaps'/dizziness feeling is driving me nuts, making me more irritable! I'm determined to stick with it, I just want it to go away soon! I'm not feeling anxious anymore though, which is always good! :-)


Good work! Hopefully just another month-or-so to go, and you'll be feeling much better :clap:

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, I have been taking Citalopram for about 8 week now. It has lifted my mood but i have some really wierd side effects and it's comforting to hear that others have similar stuff going on. A friend of mine has told me about a natural alternative - 5HTP- website -http://www.naturesbest.co.uk/5-htp-tablets-100mg-p564/?SRC=GO5HTP&OVMTC=Exact&site=&creative=21318520148&OVKEY=5htp&url_id=23567711&adpos=1t1&device=c&device I have been advised by my GP to take Citaloram for at least 6 months but I'm considering a slow withdrawal and if i feel I need to, I think I'll try this product. My friend told me she felt much better on them.

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Doesnt anyone read the leaflets which come with all prescription drugs,thats why they put them in the box.I have found though by talking to people about prescription drugs they very rarely question the Doctor about them but trust them completely,Iv had numerous occasions to question my doctor on the safety of drugs supplied to me.

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Well I have read all of these posts and think that these tablets affect different people in different ways ,my doc put me on 10mg for 6 mnths,after about four months i was thinking why am i so tired and lazy so i had a think and decided to junk these things.Now I am back to my normal self if I have ever been normal that is,some people would question this ehehe. No i feel great now and dont give a toss about anything or anybody trying to wind me up lifes to short.I may be one of the lucky ones but I suffered no side effects i just flushed them away and that was that.

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  • 1 month later...

I've been on 20mg citalopram for 6 years now, on the whole the pluses far outweigh the minuses, but I do worry as in previous comments about long term use. We're all guinea pigs in that respect! Tried giving them up a couple of times, really gradually, but when the stuff finally leaves your system that's it, I don't think there's any way of softening the blow. Though what some people said about giving up while you're on holiday or starting a new positive phase in your life sounds like it could work, when you're focussing on something else. Anyway I just found it too difficult. These tablets have really helped me to cope with all sorts of things I used to struggle with - family get togethers, meeting strangers (have to do it all the time in my job), speaking in public ... Maybe one day I'll be able to do these things without chemical assistance but I don't feel ready for it yet.

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  • 10 months later...
I'm really pleased that I came across this thread - admittedly, I haven't been able to read all of the posts but the earlier posts have been quite reassuring to read because it helps me to understand it's probably normal to be experiencing the withdrawal symptoms that I am right now.


I'm in the process of reducing my Citalopram dose from 10mg a day to 5mg (by chopping the tablets in half - I hope this is an effective method because I'm not even sure if you can get 5mg tablets of Citalopram in the UK?). I began reducing my dose about a week and a half ago and over the past couple of days I've really begun to notice some withdrawal symptoms - general tiredness, increased anxiety, occasional 'head zaps' and getting really upset - and even a little paranoid - about things I wouldn't normally get upset about.


Because 10mg is such a low dose anyway, I really didn't think reducing this further to 5mg whilst I weaned myself off would be a problem. It's possible that I may be a little hasty since I only reduced my dosage just over a week ago, but I'm worried that these symptoms will last. Because I'm beginning to feel like how I did before I went on Citalopram, I'm also so worried that I will need to rely on these tablets to cope, which is an awful thought!!


I'm determined to stick with lowering my dose and not resort to going back to my full previous dose just because I feel I need it.


Any positive stories from people who experienced withdrawal but came out the other side and don't need the tablets any more would be so much appreciated right now :-)


I was on seroxat for a couple of years, a long time ago. I went from 30mg to 20mg, then to 15 the 10. After that I used a razor blade to cut the tablets down in 2.5mg amounts until I was off them. I think this was better than doing alternate days. Some anti depressants are available in drops too which can help while you are reducing doses. Good luck to anyone trying to come off them I know it can be tough x x x

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I have just come off 20mg after reducing from 40mg for 6months (started them 6years ago) Forgot to pick up repeat prescription and thought I would give it a go. Now on day 6 - bad odd dreams, very tearful over anything!, my mood swings are horrendous, total bitch and finding life (even the tiny things) extremely stressful. Should I persevere? wondering if my family can cope with much more? Help :(

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