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How popular is The Plough Inn, Sandygate Road S10


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I have read these posts with much interest. My grandfather ran The Plough Inn during the 60s-70s. I was only young but well remember my visits there. There was a snooker table somewhere, but my brother and I spent most of our time upstairs in a huge room, either running around (was usually during the day so no-one up there) or 'plonking' on an out-of-tune piano on the stage. I can still remember the smell - sort of stale and fusty, not particularly smoky because I don't think the room was used that much.


I do hope The Plough can become successful again. It used to be such a popular place.

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Yes Mike, there was definitely a snooker table. As children, we weren't allowed to play on it in case we damaged the precious green baize. Mum and dad had the Rising Sun at Nethergreen, and on Wednesday nights (dad's only time off) he always walked up to The Plough to play snooker. After granddad retired, my uncle Mick took over but by then I suppose the pub had been altered and more than likely the snooker table disappeared.

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I have read these posts with much interest. My grandfather ran The Plough Inn during the 60s-70s. I was only young but well remember my visits there. There was a snooker table somewhere, but my brother and I spent most of our time upstairs in a huge room


That huge room was actually removed in 1982 by Whitbread, when they did a full scale conversion on the Plough from a rather quaint old local to a 80's style 'fun pub'. The floor was taken out, and ceiling of the original upstairs room became the ceiling for the downstairs. It made the whole back of the pub like a massive cavern. This room had its floor replaced in the late 80's, but not a PROPER floor, only a fake one, its not safe to walk on. That room is now just wasted space above a suspended 'fake' ceiling......it will be interesting to see if they put back a full proper floor and make use of this huge wasted space upstairs.....


the snooker table was still there in 1981 AFAIK....it vanished with the Whitbread refurb and pool tables were put in downstairs....

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Thanks for that information Goldenfleece. Ashamed to say that I've not been in the Plough for decades. Removing that upstairs floor must indeed have caused a HUGE space above. Not surprised they replaced it, but what a shame a solid floor wasn't put back in. Fantastic venue for live music, parties etc, if the demand was there of course.


Also, I gather from this thread that you have the Dove and Rainbow (no fooling me!) Ashamed to say, not been in there for decades either! I vaguely remember the Golden Fleece pub. Was that you, too?


BTW, good luck to whoever does eventually settle in The Plough

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It's great to see all the replies above and see that there is still some interest in the pub! The scary thing for the new management is that if the pub has built up a less than stella reputation over the last few years - this hurdle has to be overcome, so we can get people through the door so they can experience the pub again with the new menu, management and ownership.


It was mentioned above about my use of the word 'we', well, I have no financial interest or stake in the pub at all, nada, zilch, I don't even live anywhere near it. However, what I do have is an interest in the new management who are some of my oldest and best friends and upon hearing of the slightly tarnished reputation the pub has and how quiet it is we hatched a very cunning and devious plan.


Now, me and Lee have been friends for maybe twenty years, he does pubs, I do computers and the internet so it is no problem for me to set him up a website, and help them get peoples interest piqued for the pub again through the medium of email and the internet.


Now, I have a business to run and a young family, so needless to say, I don't have much in the way of spare time, so I would not be helping out this way unless I had seen the passion Lee and Hannah have for turning this pub around, I also know they feel privileged to be working somewhere with such a prestigious history in sheffield and I just have the easy bit to do, to help get people through the door and I know that once you visit, they will keep you happy and I can go back to my already brutal schedule.


My motivation basically boils down to three things:

1 - I want to help my friend

2 - I know you will be blown away

3 - There are no decent boozers by me and damn, I wish I had Lee and Hannah


There is kind of a fourth one as well as I made these daft promises on a night out when half pished but... what you gonna do. :)


I guess it is not really fair for me to make any more claims or boasts, but, just do me a favor, give them a few weeks and pop in for some grub, then you lot can do the talking. (No pressure Lee :))


I will try and get you all a sneak peak at the new menu before it goes live, I know it is being finalised at the moment and as soon as I have some news I will pop on by.


Have a great weekend all.

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