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Ranmoor Inn / Bulls Head & Rising Sun Fullwood


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Anyone know what these pubs are like?

My mother is moving up there and i wondered if anyone frequented the pubs.

Do they serve food, if so what is it like?


I've been in the Fullwood Inn a few months ago and didn't really rate it so am looking for somewhere else up there to go for lunch.

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Bull's Head blows hot and cold. The previous manageress has gone but whenever I've been in you can count on one hand how many people are in there. On its day it's a cracking pub and they still serve food at the usual times.


The Ranmoor has the best beer range and also serves food though I haven't tried the latter. It's clean and cosy and run by some Christians which you'd think might be a clash of interests. Still, that's not a problem and it's a welcoming place.


The Fulwood Inn doesn't quite give you the value it makes out to but it's certainly a nicer place to go than it was a few months back. It's also the only kid-friendly pub locally.


West 10 serves unbelievable quality food including lighter bar meals in the day. This is not pub grub and Johnny's selection of wines and champagnes is the best this side of town (and arguably including town).


The Rising Sun, half a mile up the road used to by my local between 1987-1999. It is now run by Abbeydale Brewery but despite some wonderful real ales and lagers, the place is like a morgue or a library - you wonder whether you're allowed to talk in there. Still, it offers something a little different to the Ranmoor pubs but it's not to my liking.


Failing all this, there's the curry house (which is pleasant if nothing more), a chippy and a chinese plus of course, the off licence. Now I know why my brother and his wife were so content living in Ranmoor.....,

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I like the Ranmoor Inn; it is usually reasonably busy, with a nice friendly crowd. It has a lovely beer garden too.


The Fulwood Inn is another matter. The food is truly dire; it is worse now that is a 2for1 pub; almost inedible. It is a beautiful pub with great space, it is just a shame that only one incarnation in eight years has managed to serve half decent food.

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As a former S10 dweller for whom distance now rules out anything but a daytime visit, I'd rate the Rising Sun top of the three by some considerable distance. Yes, it's quiet but then you don't really go to the Fulwood area for a wild time, do you? (Excluding of course the Swingers Afternoons at Forge Dam Cafe ;))

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I have to agree with Ousetunes. The Ranmoor Inn is by far the best pub, decent atmosphere from customers and staff. thursday quiz night is always good. Beer well kept and a decent range.


The Rising Sun has excellent ales, but there is something about it. It all just seems like too sneering Lib-Dems looking down their noses at everyone.


Bull's head - havent been in ages but was nothing special as for the Fulwood, a magnificent building but no atmosphere!

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The Rising Sun has consistently excellent beer, for which I am happy to make the journey from Crookes on a regular basis. The food is OK but not worth travelling for. Free WiFi as well....


The Ranmoor has so-so beer, so I usually walk past on the way to the RS. Strangely, despite living in Nether Green for a couple of years, I have never been in the Bull's Head and so cannot comment.

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For me-


The Ranmoor Inn does great beer, is warm and welcoming, has by far the best staff & management. Food is daytime only I think. Best pub in Ranmoor. Good outside areas.


Fulwood Inn- you'd only go there for cheap food, which if you make the right selections (and go in an even numbered party) is reasonable value for money and not that bad.


Bulls Head- a tired old place, usually pretty empty, inconsistent beer quality, standard microwaved pub grub at reasonable prices. Could be so much better.


Rising Sun - good range of good beers served in a shabby atmosphere. Landlord not renowned for being a people person unless you're good mates with him. Can get busy when they do their regular Jazz nights.

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Rising Sun is a great place with lovely beer. But it does suffer from the 'CAMRA man' ghettoisation as many of these places do. Once a pub becomes known as a real ale pub it seems to put off 'normal people' ever going in, so all you get are cask ale enthusiasts. Is it the prices? Is it a vicious circle? Whatever the reason it's a major drawback as you've then lost the cross-section of society that you get in all the best pubs. The beer is the reason for maybe 90% of the custom in the RS so it's an unrepresentative sample of people I suppose.


Ranmoor Inn's fine. Bull's Head not so good but not terrible. Fulwood Inn OK but doesn't feel like a proper pub.

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The Ranmoor Inn is probably the best but I would say in my experience West 10 is the nicest place to drink and eat by far, slightly different atmosphere of course but as others have said excellent nonetheless. I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but it has lost a tiny bit of atmosphere since the smoking ban, I'm a non-smoker but it's smokiness did do something for it in an odd way. The Fulwood Inn has a rather soulless feeling to me and I have never been to the Rising Sun I'm afraid.

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