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Old Documents - Found in Attic.


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I moved into my present address last year and it's been the first time Iv'e actually been into the attic.

I found a lot of old documents/ photo's ect.


What interest's & puzzles me is a:


'Life Assurance Certificate.'

It's for a 9yr old boy!

(In result of his death before reaching 10yrs old!)


The certificate states it's an 'Industrial Policy.'

I know that children worked from an early age in the 1920's

-But what sort of job could a 9yr old have done at this point in time?

Surely, it must be something hazardous enough to warrant 1yrs emergency 'Life Assurance?'


His parent's have put their signature on the Certificate.


If he had died -They would recieve: £3 + 15 Shilling pmth!



Can anyone shed some light ?



Angel X



P.S -Also found a some old Maps/ Advertising stuff ect.

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In the 1901 census My aunt who would be 10 or 11 at the time was missing from the family names.

I then remembered my mother saying "Aunt Minnie went into domestic service at 10 years of age."

So in 1901 it was common for 10 year olds to be working.

She was probably residing at her place of work.That is why her name was not included with her siblings

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Yeah-Defo work related!


-Shame I cant send a scan/ pic at mo!

(Gettin digi cam for xmas prezzie!)


Its a massive document -A3 size(ish) Certificate.



It says:


Pearl Assurance Comp Ltd (Chief Offices -Holborn, London)


Industrial Policy: Ages under sixteen (World wide)

Date: 25 June 1928


-There's a table, with childs name/ parents/ age of child/ premium. (Robert A. Killip -childs name)


-Witness signiture & signed by Managing director of 'Pearl Assurance' & Official seal.



Angel x

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Found some old advertisments that are quite amusing!







Wincarnis has the stength giving elements of 'The Finest Grade Beef!'


(Beef flavoured wine in other words -Mmmmm. Tasty!)


And for added impact there's a piccie of a Woman looking distressed,into her handmirror!




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The insurance man came round to our house well into the 60s.

G*d knows they must have bled my mother white.

She died in 02 after paying in for what seems a lifetime,she had death benifits of G.B.P.200.

So I dont think the penny insurance is the same thing as in 1928

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