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Old Documents - Found in Attic.


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Maybe the boy had a part-time job?

Even after compulsory education was brought in ,for a good few years [?] a lot of kids were "half-timers"---they worked,for example in cotton or woollen mills in the afternoons.

Perhaps this boy did something like that or it could have been completely unofficial work-----the authoritieswere not always so clued-up in those days about where everybody was.

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ok, so everyones chatting about and the dead the past. But I am just about to buy a house in Worrell and I have been told it may have a ghost from the Yews!!!!!! quite bothered! Can anyone tell me the Yews? what, where, how, why. (p.s. not Middlewood hosp, in Rivlin)

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Originally posted by kdrummond

ok, so everyones chatting about and the dead the past. But I am just about to buy a house in Worrell and I have been told it may have a ghost from the Yews!!!!!! quite bothered! Can anyone tell me the Yews? what, where, how, why. (p.s. not Middlewood hosp, in Rivlin)


You might get more replies if you start a new thread. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by x_angel



I moved into my present address last year and it's been the first time Iv'e actually been into the attic.

I found a lot of old documents/ photo's ect.


What interest's & puzzles me is a:


'Life Assurance Certificate.'

It's for a 9yr old boy!

(In result of his death before reaching 10yrs old!)


The certificate states it's an 'Industrial Policy.'

Can anyone shed some light ?



At one time it was quite common for parents to take out a small assurance policy on their children, to cover the cost of the funeral when child mortality was much higher, and the prohibitive cost of funerals meant the average working family couldn't afford one. Many policies would mature at 21, with a small sum being paid if no claim was made. I think my parents gave me the maturity value of mine when I reached 21 (£250).


As said eslewhere on this thread the "industrial" name to the policy is misleading.





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